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Spirulina Powder Austria

Product information "Spirulina Powder Austria"

Spirulina algae powder from Austria

Update: Sale of the current batch with best before date 31.01.2025 with 35% discount for CHF 18 instead of CHF 28. The spirulina powder is still perfectly edible for several months after this date.

Our high-quality spirulina powder in raw food quality is cultivated in a state-of-the-art photo-bioreactor system in Austria. The closed system provides the spirulina algae with controlled growth conditions and protects it from external influences. Cultivation takes place exclusively with sunlight, biogenic CO2, nutrients and the purest drinking water - free from additives or genetic engineering. The spirulina is gently spray-dried to protect the valuable ingredients.

You can get an idea of the algae production in the short producer video.

Spirulina platensis is a single-celled, spiral-shaped blue-green algae that has existed on our planet for thousands of years. It gets its typical deep dark colour from the green of the chlorophyll and the blue of the phycocyanin. Spirulina grows in shallow waters with an alkaline pH value between 9 and 11. As it has no cellulose shell, our body can easily break down and digest its components.

Why is spirulina useful as a dietary supplement?

The blue-green microalgae contains a wealth of nutrients and vital substances. Spirulina powder is particularly rich in protein, provitamin A (β-carotene), iron and vitamin K. The dark colour also indicates a high chlorophyll content.

Austrian spirulina algae powder

Our very high-quality spirulina platensis comes from state-of-the-art photo-bioreactor systems (closed tube system) in Lower Austria. Even if the production is not yet certified organic, the cultivation is carried out exclusively with sunlight, biogenic CO2 and the purest drinking water. The spirulina powder has a characteristic taste and is dark green in colour. Due to the gentle processing, it has raw food quality.

To check the quality, each batch is tested by an independent laboratory for pesticides, bacteria and heavy metals.

How do I use spirulina powder?

Mix ½-1 teaspoon with water 3 times a day, as an ingredient for smoothies or with fruit and vegetable juices.

As with all food supplements, we recommend starting cautiously and slowly increasing the amount used over the course of a week. This will allow your body to get used to the new product and avoid unwanted side effects such as indigestion.

You will usually get used to the somewhat unique flavour quite quickly. If you find using the powder unpleasant even after a few weeks, we recommend using spirulina tablets.

Combining spirulina and chlorella

The two algae powders are very suitable for combined use due to their nutrients. We recommend taking spirulina together with chlorella in a ratio of 2:1, whereby the total recommended daily dose must not be exceeded.

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Nutritional values Spirulina Algae Powder Austria per daily portion (3g)

Energy value 44kJ/ 11kcal,
Fat 0.17g,
of which saturated fatty acids 0.1g,
Carbohydrates 0.38g,
of which sugar 0.08g,
Dietary fibre 0.15g
Protein 1.8g,
salt 0.04g,
Provitamin A (β-carotene) 4.8mg (100%*),
Iron 4.9mg (35%*),
Vitamin K 18µg (17%*).
*the recommended daily intake.

Important notes

The product is not intended as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. The recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. Vitamin A and iron contribute to the normal function of the immune system and normal cell division. Vitamin K contributes to normal blood clotting.


As the dry spirulina powder absorbs water from the air, you should always store the packaging tightly closed in a dry place. Even though our sachets are light-protected, please do not expose the product directly to the sun.

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Chlorella powder Austria
Weight : 125g
Chlorella Pulver aus Österreich Unser hochwertiges Chlorella Pulver in Rohkostqualität wird im hochmodernen Photo-Bioreaktor System in Österreich gezüchtet. Das geschlossene System bietet der Chlorella Alge im Wachstum kontrollierte Bedingungen und schützt sie vor äusseren Einflüssen. Die Aufzucht erfolgt ausschliesslich mit Sonnenlicht, biogenem CO2, Nährstoffen und reinstem Trinkwasser – frei von Zusatzstoffen oder Gentechnik. Das Chlorella wird schonend sprühgetrocknet, um die wertvollen Inhaltsstoffe zu schützen.Im kurzen Produzentenvideo kannst du dir ein Bild von der Algenproduktion machen. Was ist Chlorella? Chlorella ist eine mikroskopisch kleine einzellige Alge, die natürlicherweise in Süsswasser vorkommt. Sie ist die älteste uns bekannte Form pflanzlichen Lebens, die über einen echten Zellkern verfügt. Chlorella wurde als kraftvolles Superlebensmittel in vielen traditionellen Kulturen genutzt und verehrt. Warum Chlorella konsumieren? Chlorella liefert eine regelrechte Flut von Nährstoffen für den Körper. Mineralien, seltene Spurenelemente, Vitamine (auch Vitamin D) und ein breites Spektrum an Enzymen (inkl. Pepsin). Chlorella besteht zu 60% aus kompletten, und leicht verdaulichen Proteinen. Weiterhin enthält die Pflanze essentielle Fettsäuren, die für die Zellregeneration wichtigen Nukleinsäuren (DNA und RNA) und sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe mit krankheitsabwehrenden Eigenschaften wie Carotinoide, Lutein, Astaxanthin und andere. Chlorella besitzt den höchsten Chlorophyll-Gehalt von allen bekannten Pflanzen, viermal soviel wie normale Pflanzen! Chlorophyll wird auch als das grüne Pflanzenblut bezeichnet, da sich seine molekulare Zusammensetzung vom menschlichem Hämoglobin kaum unterscheidet. Chlorphyll hat antioxidative Eigenschaften, reinigt das Blut und versorgt es mit Sauerstoff. Chlorella ist bekannt als wertvolle Hilfe beim Schutz des Körpers vor Umweltgiften und vor Strahlung. Ihre faserigen äusseren Zellwände  vermögen es Schwermetalle (Amalgam, Kadmium, Blei), Pestizide, Medikamente und andere Giftstoffe, die sich im Körper anreichern, zu binden und auszuleiten. Bei der Einnahme von Chlorella ist es daher von grosser Wichtigkeit viel Wasser zu trinken. Wegen ihres ernährungsphysiologischen Reichtums ist Chlorella eine ideale Nahrung der Natur. Wenn zusammen mit Spirulina genommen, haben Sie nahezu perfekte Verhältnisse von den wichtigsten Nährstoffen, die der Körper braucht. Chlorella war und ist Gegenstand intensiver Forschungen. Bezüglich der globalen und besorgniserregenden Probleme wie Krebs, nukleare Katastrophen und Umweltverschmutzung, sowie hinsichtlich Ernährungsfragen und psychischen Störungen wird dieses winzige phantastische Wesen  vielleicht  noch sehr hilfreich sein. Was macht unser Chlorella-Pulver aus Österreich besonders? Unser Chlorella-Pulver ist zu 100% naturbelassen und ohne Zusatzstoffe. Unser Chlorella stammt stammt aus hochmodernen Photo-Bioreaktor Systemen (geschlossenes Röhrensystem) in Niederösterreich. Auch wenn die Produktion noch nicht Bio-zertifiziert ist, erfolgt die Aufzucht ausschliesslich mit Sonnenlicht, biogenem CO2 und reinstem Trinkwasser. Das Chlorella Pulver hat einen charakteristischen Geschmack und weist eine dunkelgrüne Farbe auf. Aufgrund der schonenden Verarbeitung hat es Rohkostqualität. Was macht Chlorella einzigartig? Chlorella kann sich alle 20 Stunden mengenmässig vervierfachen, und das kann keine andere Pflanze auf der Erde! Das hängt mit dem sog. Chlorella-Wachstums-Faktor (CGF) zusammen, einem Komplex aus vielen Substanzen in sehr geringen Mengen, einschliesslich RNS, DNS, Aminosäuren, Vitaminen und Mineralien, deren genaue Eigenschaften noch nicht identifiziert worden sind. Labortests zeigten aber, dass die Zugabe von CGF Wachstumsprozesse stimuliert, indem es das Wachstum von nützlichen Bakterien wie Lactobacillus um bis zu 400% erhöhte. Da Chlorella eine perfekte einzelne reproduktive Zelle hat, ist es weiterentwickelt als die anderen häufiger vorkommenden grünen Mikroalgen. Deshalb sagt man, dass ihre DNS / RNA von besserer Qualität ist. Nukleinsäuren sind wichtig für die Zellregeneration und unterstützen die Produktion von neuem Gewebe. Wie Chlorella-Pulver verwenden? Chlorella kann in Tablettenform oder als Pulver genommen werden. Die Tabletten sind einfacher zu nehmen, aber ihre Qualität kann durch die mögliche Verwendung von Bindemitteln und Erhitzung bei der Herstellung beeinträchtigt werden (gilt nicht für unsere Tabletten). Pulverförmiges Chlorella kann in Gemüse- und Fruchtsäften oder Smoothies gemischt werden. Sie verleiht jeder Flüssigkeit eine reiche, dicke Textur. Chlorella Pulver kann auch zu Speisen wie Frischkäse, Mayonnaise, Eiscreme, Nudeln und Reis hinzugefügt werden, um Geschmack und Nährwert zu verbessern. Da es wuchsfördende Stoffe enthält, kann sie auch eine wertvolle Zutat für Brot und fermentierte Getränke sein. Empfohlene Dosierungen: Beginnen Sie mit 400 mg pro Tag und nehmen Sie langsam mehr, während Ihr Körper sich an Chlorella gewöhnt. Kinder und Anfänger: 400 mg - 3 g pro Tag Erwachsene: 5 - 6 g pro Tag Zur Entgiftung: 20 - 25 g pro Tag (viel Wasser trinken!) Bei schweren gesundheitlichen Probleme kann eine höhere Dosis von bis zu 30 Gramm pro Tag notwendig sein bis sich die Gesundheit verbessert. Chlorella kann im Allgemeinen sicher in hohen Dosen genommen werden. Unter normalen Bedingungen empfehlen wir die regelmässige Einnahme von Chlorella zusammen mit Spirulina im Verhältnis 1:2 (5g Chlorella + 10g Spirulina). Dadurch erhält der Körper alle erforderlichen Nährstoffe in ausgewogener Weise. Einige Auswirkungen von Chlorella sind sofort spürbar, z.B. die Verbesserung des Mundgeruchs, aber es kann 3-6 Monate dauern bis sich Chlorellas nährende Kräfte vollständig entfalten. Zusammensetzung 100% Chlorella Mikroalgenpulver. Nährwerte Chlorella Pulver pro Tagesportion (4.8g) Energiewert 76kJ / 18kcal,Fett 0.4g,davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 0.2gKohlenhydrate 0.5g,Ballaststoffe 0.4g,Eiweiss 3g,Vitamin A (β-Carotin) 491µg (61%*),Folsäure (Vit. B9) 108 µg (54 %*),Eisen 9,5 mg (68 %*),Chlorophyll 102 mg.*der empfohlenen Tagesdosis Alle Angaben unterliegen den bei Naturprodukten üblichen Schwankungen. Das Produkt dient nicht als Ersatz für eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung sowie eine gesunde Lebensweise. Für Kinder unerreichbar aufbewahren. Die empfohlene Tagesdosis darf nicht überschritten werden. Vitamin A und Eisen tragen zur normalen Funktion des Immunsystems und zur normalen Zellteilung bei.

Content: 125 Gramm (CHF 21.28* / 100 Gramm)

From CHF 26.60*
Spirulina algae powder Taiwan organic
Weight : 125g
Spirulina algae powder from Taiwan in organic & raw food qualitySpirulina platensis is a single-celled, spiral-shaped blue-green algae, which has existed on our planet for thousands of years. It gets its typical deep dark color from the green of the chlorophyll as well as the blue of the phycocyanin. Spirulina grows in shallow waters with an alkaline pH between 9 and 11. Since it has no cellulose shell, our body can easily break down and digest its components. Why is spirulina useful as a dietary supplement? The blue-green microalgae has a wealth of nutrients and vital substances. Spirulina powder is particularly rich in protein, provitamin A (β-carotene), iron as well as vitamin K. The dark color also testifies to the high chlorophyll content. SamaraNatura Spirulina Algae Powder Taiwan BIO Our very high quality Spirulina platensis in raw food quality comes from controlled organic cultivation in the south of Taiwan. The cultivation is done according to Naturland guidelines, in pure drinking water under natural climate conditions and exclusively under sunlight. Compared to other spirulina, it has quite a pleasant taste and has an incredibly rich blue-green color. Due to the gentle processing, it has raw food quality.To control the quality, each batch is tested by an independent laboratory in Germany for pesticides, bacteria, algal toxins, heavy metals and radioactivity. How do I use Spirulina powder? Mix ½-1 tsp with water 3x daily, as an ingredient in smoothies or with fruit and vegetable juices.As with all supplements, we recommend starting gently and slowly increasing the amount used within a week. This will allow your body to get used to the new product and avoid unwanted side effects such as indigestion.You will usually get used to the somewhat unique taste quite quickly. If you find using the powder unpleasant even after a few weeks, we recommend using Spirulina tablets. Combining Spirulina and Chlorella The two algae powders are very suitable for combined use due to their nutrients. We recommend taking spirulina together with chlorella in a 2:1 ratio, not exceeding the total recommended daily dose. Nutritional values Spirulina Algae Powder Taiwan BIO per daily portion (3g) Energy value 46kJ/ 11kcal,Fat 0.2g,thereof saturated fatty acids 0.1g,Carbohydrates 0.46g,of which sugar 0.02g,dietary fiber 0.19gProtein 1.75g,salt 0.02g,Provitamin A (β-carotene) 245µg (31%*),Iron 3.9mg (28%*),Vitamin K 13µg (17%*).*of the recommended daily intake Important notes The product is not intended as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Vitamin A and iron contribute to normal immune system function and normal cell division. Vitamin K contributes to normal blood clotting. Storage Since dry Spirulina powder absorbs water from the air, you should always store the package tightly closed in a dry place. Even though our bags have light protection, please do not expose the product directly to the sun.

Content: 125 Gramm (CHF 16.87* / 100 Gramm)

From CHF 21.09*

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Spirulina powder Hawaii
Weight : 125g
Spirulina powder - the high quality original from Hawaii What is Spirulina? Spirulina is a unicellular, thread-like blue algae and one of the first life forms on this planet. Richer in high-quality protein (contains 18 amino acids) than any other food, the microalga also has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, important antioxidants such as SOD and phycocyanin, polysaccharides and the rare gamma-linolenic acid. Spirulina is at the forefront of the nutritional revolution. With its rich composition and the ability to grow even under unfavorable conditions, the microalgae has great potential to become a food source that will help feed the world's population. When we integrate spirulina into our diet, we are helping to resolve the food crisis. Effects of spirulina on health? Spirulina is a valuable food. The alga is incredibly rich, a "whole food". It is believed that it contains all the vital substances that the human body needs. The high density of vital substances brings vitality and well-being. The antioxidants can intercept free radicals and highly reactive oxygen compounds, so they are important for the maintenance and function of the cell. The detailed nutritional values ​​are given below. What makes our spirulina powder special? Our Spirulina Pacifica has been cultivated in Hawaii for over 25 years and is considered one of the highest quality spirulina in the world. The spirulina is dried very gently in a special, oxygen-free drying system so that more nutrients and enzymes are retained - e.g. over 40% more ß-carotene and over 75% more zeaxanthin - than is possible with other conventional drying systems. Spirulina Pacifica is grown in 20 cm deep, open ponds, a few hundred meters from the Pacific. To fill the ponds, fresh water is mixed with sea water from a depth of 600 m, which is rich in minerals and trace elements. The other quantitatively most important substances for cultivation are baking powder (sodium bicarbonate) in food quality and carbon dioxide. Food grade fertilizers are also used. Paddle wheels move the water to provide the algae with even exposure to sunlight for optimal growth conditions and nutrient uptake. The Hawaiian spirulina is grown without pesticides and herbicides and does not contain any genetically modified organisms. Our Spirulina is called Spirulina Pacifica and is a selected strain of Spirulina platensis, which has developed over many years of cultivation in Hawaii. Spirulina Pacifica has been extensively analyzed by molecular biologists from the University of Hawaii. They identified new enzymes that were not found in other Spirulina platensis strains. Tips for use in everyday diet Most often the powder is mixed with fruit and vegetable juices. Spring water is also very good and promotes maximum absorption. Spirulina can also be added to food like a spice to avoid loss of nutrients if it is only slightly heated. Spirulina has a unique taste that mixes well with almost anything. If you are not used to the taste of green foods, it may take some getting used to at first. If you find that your energy levels are running low as the day progresses, take some spirulina with water and watch your body feel 1-2 hours later. You will be amazed. Consumption recommendations Beginners and children: 1-2 g per dayAdults: up to 3g per dayIt is advisable to start with 1 teaspoon (5 g) or a little less and gradually increase the intake up to 10 g (1 heaped tablespoon) to avoid indigestion. Taking 1 teaspoon an hour before meals can curb appetite. The dry powder absorbs water from the air, so the package should be tightly closed and stored in a cool, dry and dark place Complementary product recommendations We recommend taking spirulina together with chlorella in a ratio of 2:1. Recipes with spirulina Ex: Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie 2 bananas250g wild blueberries (frozen) or 2 tbsp wild blueberry powder1 large bunch of fresh corianderJuice of 2 oranges1 tsp Spirulina Hawaii powder1 teaspoon barley grass juice powder1 small handful of pulse flakesWater as neededMore recipes here. Spirulina platensis: nutritional values ​​per daily portion (3g) Energy value 42kJ / 10kcal Protein 2gCarbohydrates <1gProvitamin A (β-carotene) 2.715mg (57% *)Iron 5mg (36% *)Magnesium 15mg (5% *)Vitamin K (K1, K2) 40µg (40% *)Manganese 0.2mg (10% *)Sodium 50mg (3% *)Chlorophyll 19mgPhycocyanin 270mgGamma linolenic acid 32mgCarotenoids 13mgZeaxanthin 3mg* the recommended daily dose / apport journ. recommandé Vitamin A and iron contribute normal function of the immune system and normal cell division, vitamin K maintains the normal coagulation ability of the blood. All information is subject to the usual fluctuations for natural products. The product is not intended as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet or a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of children. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded.

Content: 125 Gramm (CHF 19.99* / 100 Gramm)

From CHF 24.99*

Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars

Organic barley grass juice powder
Weight : 125g
Organic barley grass juice powder in raw food quality Why barley grass juice powder? Barley grass juice powder is often referred to as the ultimate superfood powder! Our 100% pure barley grass juice powder (without any additives (including non-declared additives) or carriers such as maltodextrin) is a great and simple alternative to barley grass powder, as not everyone has the time or inclination to grow fresh grass and press it into juice. Simply mix with water or another favourite liquid and you have pure barley grass juice. Health benefits of barley grass juice powder? Barley grass juice contains many valuable vital substances and nutrients. The chlorophyll it contains also has a beneficial effect. What makes our barley grass juice powder special? For our organic barley grass juice powder, the juice is pressed from young barley grass and then gently processed into powder. It is 100% pure juice powder, without any additives or carriers such as maltodextrin. Our organic barley grass juice powder comes from a pristine area of the USA, where it is harvested at the time of highest nutrient density. The producer has optimised the manufacturing process over many years and now guarantees raw food quality, i.e. the entire processing takes place below 42° C. The rich green colour testifies to the abundance of chlorophyll (plant green). Differences between barley grass juice powder and barley grass powder The two forms of processing into grass powder and juice powder both have their respective advantages. The main difference between grass powder and juice powder lies in the dietary fibre/fibre content. In the case of barley grass powder, this is a very high 35 to 40%. Dietary fibre has a satiating effect, stimulates digestion and prevents constipation. This barley grass juice powder, on the other hand, contains only 5.7% fibre. As a result, the nutrients and vital substances (including chlorophyll) are present in concentrated form. Another important difference is the flavour. While the grass powder tastes like dried grass (slightly bitter), this barley grass juice powder is dominated by flavours such as spinach and green herbs as well as a salty aftertaste. Both flavours can be easily distinguished visually. The barley grass powder has a much lighter green colour than the barley grass juice powder. You can find all the information about barley grass powder here. Tips for using barley grass juice powder in your everyday diet Barley grass juice powder goes perfectly with water and many other liquids such as smoothies orange juice coconut water water kefir fresh fruit and vegetable juices Recipe with barley grass juice powder Example: Detox smoothie 1 tsp barley grass juice powder2 tbsp dried wild blueberries or 2 tbsp wild blueberry powder 1 tsp spirulina powder Hawaii, Taiwan or Austria 1 tbsp Atlantic dulse powder or 1 small handful of dulse flakes1 large bunch of fresh corianderJuice of 2 oranges 1 banana Water as required More recipes here. Recommended intake Initially ½ teaspoon daily, increase to ½ - 1 teaspoon 2-3 times daily as required. It is best to drink half an hour before meals. Storage Store in a cool, dark and dry place.As barley grass juice powder is spray-dried, it clumps more quickly than barley grass powder, which is air-dried. The clumping is caused by moisture absorption from the air. We recommend from our own experience: Always seal the pack airtight. Unfortunately, the zip of the bag sticks over time, which is why sealing clips are very practical. Pour some of the powder into a jar with a screw cap for easier handling. Store the bags/jars in a kitchen cupboard (dark) as far away from the cooker as possible (due to moisture during cooking). We do not recommend storing in the fridge, as condensation would occur. A constant room temperature is ideal. Nutritional values of barley grass juice powder per 100g (portion 1 tsp = 2g) Energy value 1351kJ/323kcal (29kJ/7kcal)Fat 1g (0.02g)of which saturated. Fatty acids 0.4g (0.08g)Carbohydrates 35g (0.7g)of which sugar 20g (0.32g)Dietary fibre 5.7g (0.11g)Protein 32.2g (0.64g)Salt 4g (0.08g) Origin Grown according to organic standards and produced at below 42°C in the USA.

Content: 125 Gramm (CHF 19.76* / 100 Gramm)

From CHF 24.70*

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Supergreens juice powder Organic
Weight : 125g
Supergreens Juice Powder For this mix, the juice from alfalfa, barley grass, oat grass, KAMUT® wheat grass and wheat grass is pressed and gently processed into powder. This preserves the aroma, color, taste and nutrients. It is 100% pure juice powder, without any additives. Difference between grass juice powder and grass powder In contrast to normal grass powder, the grass juice powder contains almost no dietary fiber / dietary fiber. The nutrients and vital substances (including chlorophyll) are available in concentrated form. Origin & quality Our grass juice powder comes from a pristine area in the USA, where it is harvested at the time of the highest nutrient density. The controlled processing temperature is below 42 ° C = raw food quality. Use Supergreens juice powder ½ - 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day mixed with juice, water, rice drink or other beverages. Ideal as an ingredient for smoothies. It is also excellent for cats and dogs – you can mix the powder in their food, both dry and wet. Nutritional values Supergreens juice powder per 100g (portion 1TSP = 2g ) Energy value 1351kJ / 323kcal (27kJ / 6kcal) Fat 1g (0.02g) of which saturated fatty acids 0.4g (0.08g) Carbohydrates 35g (0.7g) of which sugar 20g (0.4g) Dietary fiber 5.7g (0.11g) Protein 32.2g (0.64g) Salt 1.6g (0.03g)

Content: 125 Gramm (CHF 20.52* / 100 Gramm)

From CHF 25.65*
Moringa powder organic
Weight : 100g
Organic Moringa powder - the super powder from the subtropics For this high-quality moringa powder, the organic moringa leaves are harvested by hand and dried in special dehydration rooms, protected from the sun and under the best hygienic conditions, at temperatures below 40°C. The leaves are then processed into leaf fragments and further into leaf powder. The fastest possible further processing is important, since the first signs of decomposition already appear 6 hours after harvesting. This is the only way to preserve as many of the nutrients and vital substances as possible. Why Moringa powder is healthy Moringa is an incredibly interesting and useful plant. The leaves contain up to 90 different nutrients. It has 7 times more vitamin C than oranges, 4 times more vitamin A than carrots, 3 times more potassium than bananas, 4 times more calcium than milk and an additional 8 essential amino acids. You can find an interesting video about Moringa here: How to use Moringa powder The taste of Moringa powder is reminiscent of green leaves with a slightly tart note. The powder is very finely ground and is suitable as an ingredient for smoothies, drinks, tea and salad dressings. powdery and ideal for further processing. We recommend a daily amount of 2 to 3g, i.e. 1 to 2 teaspoons. Moringa powder from Naturkostbar Since we regularly receive requests from customers for a high-quality Moringa powder, but for reasons of capacity we would like to wait before launching our own brand SamaraNatura, we have decided on the quality product from Naturkostbar. Bag content: 100g pure organic moringa powder.Nutritional Information Organic Moringa Powder per 100gEnergy / nutrient per 100g g/mg/μg %1Energy 1055kJ (248kcal) 13%Fat 2.3g 3%of which monounsaturated fatty acids - -of which polyunsaturated fatty acids - -of which saturated fatty acids 0.8g 4%Carbohydrates 29g 11%of which sugars - -Protein 28.1g 56%Salt - -Fiber 22.8g 46%Vitamin A 16.3µg 2%Vitamin C 17.3mg 22%Vitamin D - -Vitamin E 113mg 942%Vitamin K - -B-carotene (provitamin A) - -Vitamin B1 2.64mg 240%Vitamin B2 20.5mg 1464%Vitamin B3 8.2mg 51%Vitamin B6 - -Vitamin B12 - -Magnesium 368mg 98%Copper 0.6mg 60%Manganese - -Selenium - -iodine - -Folic Acid/Folacin - -chloride - -Potassium 1324mg 66%Biotin - -pantothenic acid - -Calcium 2003mg 250%Phosphorus 204mg 29%Iron 28.2mg 201%Zinc - -molybdenum - -Fluoride - -Chrome - -1 reference amount/daily dose for an average adult (8400kJ/2000kcal)

From CHF 15.01*

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Chlorella Powder Taiwan Organic
Weight : 125g
Organic Chlorella Vulgaris Powder (100% natural) - The green miracle Chlorella is a microscopic unicellular algae that occurs naturally in fresh water. It is the oldest form of plant life known to us that has a real cell nucleus. Chlorella has been used and revered as a powerful superfood in many traditional cultures. Chlorella provides a veritable flood of nutrients for the body. Minerals, rare trace elements, vitamins (including vitamin D) and a wide range of enzymes (including pepsin). Chlorella consists of 60% complete and easily digestible proteins. The plant also contains essential fatty acids, the nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) important for cell regeneration and phytochemicals with disease-fighting properties such as carotenoids, lutein, astaxanthin and others. Chlorella has the highest chlorophyll content of any known plant, four times that of normal plants! Chlorophyll is also referred to as the green plant blood, since its molecular composition hardly differs from human hemoglobin. Chlorophyll has antioxidant properties, purifying and oxygenating the blood. Chlorella is known to be a valuable aid in protecting the body from environmental toxins and radiation. Their fibrous outer cell walls are able to bind and drain heavy metals (amalgam, cadmium, lead), pesticides, medicines and other toxins that accumulate in the body. When taking chlorella, it is therefore of great importance to drink plenty of water. Why we love chlorella Chlorella can quadruple in quantity every 20 hours and no other plant on earth can do that! This is related to something called Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), a complex of many substances in very small amounts, including RNA, DNA, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, the exact properties of which have not yet been identified. However, laboratory tests showed that the addition of CGF stimulates growth processes by increasing the growth of beneficial bacteria such as Lactobacillus by up to 400%. Because chlorella has a perfect single reproductive cell, it is more evolved than the other more common green microalgae. That is why their DNA/RNA is said to be of better quality. Nucleic acids are important for cell regeneration and support the production of new tissue. Because of its nutritional richness, chlorella is one of nature's ideal foods. When taken with Spirulina, you have near-perfect ratios of the key nutrients your body needs. Chlorella has been and still is the subject of intense research. Regarding the global and worrying problems like cancer, nuclear catastrophe and environmental pollution, as well as nutritional issues and mental disorders, this tiny fantastic being may yet be of great help. SamaraNatura Organic Chlorella Powder Our chlorella comes from an algae farm in southern Taiwan, which was the first to be recognized by the German organic farming association Naturland. The algae grow outdoors under intense sunlight in pure fresh water of drinking water quality. The cultivation of only strong, healthy microalgae strains guarantees first-class quality. At the time of the highest nutrient density, the microalgae are gently harvested, then pre-centrifuged and spray-dried in seconds in a special process. The hard cell wall of chlorella is gently broken open by a vacuum process to make it easier to digest. Our chlorella powder is 100% natural and without additives. How to use chlorella powder Chlorella can be taken in tablet form or as a powder. The tablets are easier to take, but their quality can be affected by the possible use of binders and heating during manufacture (not applicable to our tablets). Powdered chlorella can be mixed into vegetable and fruit juices or smoothies. It adds a rich, thick texture to any liquid. Chlorella powder can also be added to foods like cream cheese, mayonnaise, ice cream, pasta, and rice to enhance flavor and nutritional value. Since it contains growth-promoting substances, it can also be a valuable ingredient in bread and fermented drinks. Recommended dosages: Start with 400 mg per day and gradually increase as your body adjusts to chlorella. Children and beginners: 400 mg - 3 g per day Adults: 5 - 6 g per day For detoxification: 20 - 25 g per day (drink lots of water!) Severe health problems may require a higher dose of up to 30 grams per day until health improves. Chlorella is generally safe to take in large doses. Under normal conditions, we recommend the regular intake of chlorella together with spirulina in a ratio of 1:2 (5g chlorella + 10g spirulina). As a result, the body receives all the nutrients it needs in a balanced way. Some effects of chlorella are immediate, such as improving bad breath, but it may take 3-6 months for chlorella's nourishing powers to fully unfold. Composition 100% organic chlorella microalgae powder. Nutritional values ​​of chlorella powder per daily portion (4.8g) Energy value 76kJ / 18kcal,Fat 0.4g,of which saturated fatty acids 0.2gCarbohydrates 0.5g,Dietary fiber 0.4g,Protein 3g,Vitamin A (β-carotene) 491µg (61%*),Folic acid (vitamin B9) 108 µg (54%*),Iron 9.5 mg (68%*),Chlorophyll 102 mg.*the recommended daily dose All information is subject to the usual fluctuations in natural products. The product is not intended as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of children. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Vitamin A and iron contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system and normal cell division.

Content: 125 Gramm (CHF 20.90* / 100 Gramm)

From CHF 26.13*