Bilberry powder organic

Product information "Bilberry powder organic"

Organic bilberry powder from wild collections

Update: The organic blueberry powder is now available in 3 different sizes (125g, 250g, 500g). Additionally, we also have the dried whole blueberries (also organic and wild-collected) in our product range.

The bilberries/blueberries come from south-east European wild collections. The current batch comes from Bosnia. The bilberry powder has an intense dark colour. It is very aromatic and tastes sweet and fruity.

Why Consume Bilberry Powder?

Bilberry powder has a number of health benefits due to its nutrient density and high antioxidant content.

  • Antioxidants: High concentration of antioxidants, especially anthocyanins, which can help fight free radicals.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties: fights inflammation in the body.
  • Digestive health: Cleansing effect of the intestinal tract and promotion of digestion due to the high fiber content.

Bilberry powder may also have a positive impact on gut health and heart health. It's a convenient, tasty, and easy way to add quality nutrients and antioxidants to your diet.

What makes our bilberry powder special?

  • 100% pure fruit fruit powder
  • Without sweeteners, preservatives or other additives
  • The wild bilberries/blueberries are processed carefully and under high hygienic conditions at below 42°C = raw food quality
  • Important: It is NOT pomace, but whole, dried wild bilberries that have been ground into powder.

How to use bilberry powder?

The bilberry powder is very free-flowing and is ideal for:

  • Smoothies: Add a teaspoon of blueberry powder to your favorite smoothie to boost its nutritional value
  • Yogurt: Stir powder into yogurt to give it an extra helping of antioxidants and nutrients
  • Baking: Use bilberry powder as an ingredient in baked goods such as cakes, muffins or pancakes
  • Muesli: Add powder to muesli or oatmeal for extra nutrition and flavor
  • Drinks: Stir powder into water or juice for a refreshing and healthy drink
  • Smoothie Bowls: Use powder as a topping on smoothie bowls to make them healthier and tastier

Nutritional values bilberries powder per 100g

Energy value 1309kJ/310kcal
Fat 6.3g
of which saturated fatty acids 0g
carbohydrates 58g
of which sugar 37.3g
Fiber 19.7g
Protein 5.3g
Salt 0.01g

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Weight : 125g
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Both are blue, round and taste great. But what are the differences between these two berries? Blueberry has become a universal name for blue-colored berries of the Vaccinium genus, but it is good to know the difference between cultivated blueberries (often called American blueberries) and wild blueberries (European blueberries). While cultivated blueberries are grown in various locations around the world, wild blueberries grow on small shrubs mainly in the northern parts of the northern hemisphere. Wild blueberries compared to cultivated blueberries have a higher vitamin content and a much higher content of anthocyanins. The anthocyanins in the wild bilberry are visible to the eye as blue and red pigments in the pulp, which is juicy and bluish-purple. The cultivated blueberry, on the other hand, has an almost transparent white and somewhat floury pulp. The wild blueberry has been used since the 16th century, both the dried berries and the leaves. Modern interest stems in part from the use of the fruit by British pilots during World War II when pilots noticed that their night vision was better during bombing after eating blueberry jam. Why we love wild blueberries Most of the dried wild blueberries on the market have added sugar and preservatives. We prefer our 100% pure and raw food quality, with their wonderful natural taste. Our wild blueberries have a dark purple, almost black color, which indicates the quality and purity of the product. In addition, nowadays almost only garden blueberries (American blueberries) are available from cultivation, which are simply not as good and significantly less rich in vital substances than wild blueberries. Wild blueberries from SamaraNatura and Pearls of Samarkand Our wild blueberries are dark purple and quite dry and crispy, with a sweet and sour taste, fruity and very aromatic. They are 100% natural, carefully processed and dried and without preservatives, colorings, sweeteners or other unnatural additives. Different sizes and origins Organic wild-collected blueberries are very hard to come by. The bags originating from Bosnia are sold out and unfortunately the new batch had to be returned completely due to an infestation. We hope to be able to offer the new harvest in autumn 2022. In the meantime we were able to buy a small stock from Ukraine. These wild blueberries come from the Lemberg/Lviv region in western Ukraine, near the Polish border. This is the 2021 harvest, i.e. before the war. Usage of Wild Blueberries Thanks to their intense, typical blueberry taste, they are perfect as an addition to muesli, smoothies and dessert topping. For smoothie recipe, we recommend you soak the wild blueberries the night before, so they plump up and are easier to blend up with your other smoothie ingredients. They also fit well into yogurt (also vegan coconut yogurt) and honey. A real treat! Nutritional values Wild Blueberries per 100g Calories 1310 kJ / 310 kcalProtein 5 gCarbohydrates 58 gof which sugar 37 gFat 6.3 gof which saturated fatty acids 0 gof which monounsaturated fatty acids 3.33 gOf which polyunsaturated fatty acids 2.97 gFibres 36.4 gVitamin C 223 mg (278%*)Vitamin E 14.1 mg (117%*)Vitamin B6 0.74 mg (53%*)Iron 5.2 mg (37%*)All data are subject to the usual fluctuations in natural products.* Percent of the recommended daily dose for an adult according to Swiss Food Legislation. Storage Store in a cool, dry and dark place.

Content: 125 Gramm (CHF 14.44* / 100 Gramm)

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Spirulina powder Hawaii
Weight : 125g
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Content: 125 Gramm (CHF 19.99* / 100 Gramm)

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