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Meeres-Spaghetti (Riementang) Bio

Product information "Meeres-Spaghetti (Riementang) Bio"

Bio Meeres-Spaghetti (Riementang) - Wildsammlungen vom Irischen Atlantik

Meeres-Spaghetti sind eine glutenfreie und sehr kalorienarme Alternative zu normalen Spaghetti und wie diese einfach und vielseitig zu verwenden. Ein gesunder Ersatz für Salz und wichtig für Vegetarier, da reich an Jod! Riementang resp. Meeresgemüse allgemein besitzt das breiteste Spektrum an Mineralstoffen und Spurenelementen von allen Lebensmitteln. 

Meeresgemüse allgemein

Meeresgemüse sind Wildpflanzen des Ozeans, die an Korallenriffen und Felsküsten meist in Salzwasser wachsen. In vielen Küstenregionen weltweit wird Meeresgemüse genossen und bereichert die meisten Gerichte geschmacklich und mit Nährstoffen.

Meeresgemüse enthält nahezu alle Mineralstoffe und Spurenelemente, die das Meer zu bieten hat! Allgemein ist Meeresgemüse eine ausgezeichnete Quelle für Kalzium, Jod und Natrium, eine sehr gute Quelle für Folsäure und Magnesium sowie eine gute Quelle für Eisen, Kalium, Vitamin B2 und B5. Es enthält auch Vitamin K und Spurenelemente wie Selen und Chrom, die im Landgemüse wegen ausgelaugter Böden häufig fehlen.

Wenn man Meeresgemüse regelmässig und über längere Zeit zu sich nimmt, soll es den Stoffwechsel und Energiehaushalt regulieren helfen, das Immunsystem stimulieren, eine regelmässige Verdauung fördern, das Blut reinigen und die Hormondrüsen – insbesondere die Schilddrüse – unterstützen.

Meeresgemüse ist ein idealer Ersatz für Salz in der Ernährung.

Bio Meeres-Spaghetti (Riementang)

Meeres-Spaghetti oder Riementang (Himanthalia elongata) sind ein besonderes Meeresgemüse. Sie ähneln Spaghetti, schmecken aber nach Algen. Ein Großteil des Algengeschmacks verschwindet beim Einweichen, wodurch sie weich werden wie al dente gekochte Pasta.

Mit einer leckeren, warmen Sauce oder Pesto vermischt hat man schnell und einfach eine sehr nährstoffreiche Mahlzeit kreiert.

Wieso wir Meeres-Spaghetti lieben

Wir mögen sie, weil sie wie Pasta aussehen und sich anfühlen, jedoch mit einem ganz anderen Geschmack, was keine schlechte Sache ist! Meeres-Spaghetti sind äusserst kalorienarm und glutenfrei. Sie sind vielseitig verwendbar, aussergewöhnlich nahrhaft und es macht Spass sie zuzubereiten.

Bio Meeres-Spaghetti von Algaran

Unser Meeresgemüse wird im Nordwesten Irlands (Donegal) wild gesammelt und von Hand geerntet. Mit Hilfe eines Kaltlufttrocknungssystems werden die Algen sehr schonend und in Rohkostqualität getrocknet.

Am besten weicht man die Spaghetti für mindestens 2 Stunden oder über Nacht ein. Mit dem Einweichen nehmen die Spaghetti an Volumen zu und werden weich, ähnlich wie al dente gekochte Pasta. Meeres-Spaghetti sind lecker zum Beispiel mit einer Tomaten-Peperoni-Sauce mit Cashewcrème oder Tomatensauce mit Knoblauch und Peterli. Auch mit Pesto schmecken sie köstlich.

40g getrocknete Meeres-Spaghetti ergeben zirka 400g eingeweichte Meeres-Spaghetti.


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Dulse leaves organic
Atlantic Organic Dulse Leaves Update: These dulse leaves are quite large and stick together very strongly. They are especially good for snacking. A powerful blender (category Vitamix) is required for the Detox Smoothie. We also have Dulse flakes from Spain and Dulse powder from Ireland in our range. The powder is the simplest variant for the detox smoothie. These dulse leaves are large dried leaves. They are best as a snack and easily cut for various recipes. We recommend the powder for the Detox Smoothie. What is Dulse? Atlantic dulse or ragweed (Palmaria palmata) is a red seaweed, crunchy with bite and a rich purplish red colour. It does not need to be boiled or soaked and is therefore versatile in the kitchen. Dulse is extremely low in calories, free of fat and cholesterol, and rich in vitamin B6, fiber and proteins in addition to minerals. It has the highest iron content of any sea vegetable. 10g dried dulse corresponds to around 100g fresh dulse. Why we love Dulse? Dulse is one of the easiest sea vegetables to use. It tastes mild and spicy and adds flavor and color to any dish. It is also one of the few purple colored foods and purple is the color of spiritual consciousness, the third eye. SamaraNatura Irish Dulse Leaves 60g The kelp is wildly collected in the west of Ireland (Donegal) at low tide, harvested by hand and gently dried (below 42° C). Attention: Due to the wild harvest from the rocks, small shells or stones can stick to the dulse leaves. The producer himself and we check the purity as well as possible when packing the bags. For safety reasons, we ask you to briefly check the Dulse leaves before consumption. Use Dulse leaves Dulse leaves can be eaten straight from the bag as a salty raw food snack. Due to its spicy aroma, dulse leaves are also suitable steamed over potatoes, legumes and grain dishes. We recommend adding it first towards the end of the cooking time. Prolonged heating (cooking) or soaking reduces the bite. Dulse also goes well roasted crispy or lightly sliced ​​in salads. It can be rinsed beforehand if necessary. Important instructions Due to the high mineral content, we recommend a daily ration of 5g. Due to the iodine content, particular caution is required for people with thyroid disorders. In these seaweeds, due to processing, there may be parts of crustaceans as well as grains of sand. Therefore, please check the leaves briefly before consumption. Nutritional Dulse leaves values ​​per 100g / per 5g (portion) Energy 320Kcal/1340KJ / 16Kcal/67KJProteins 14.8g / 0.7gCarbs 47.7g / 2.4gof which sugar 12.8g / 0.6gFat 2.56g / 0.1gof which saturated fatty acids 1g / 0.05gFiber 7.9g / 0.4gSalt 5.4g / 0.3gVitamin B12 4.8µg / 0.24µgIron 23mg / 1.2mgSelenium 0.3mg / 0.01mgIodine 32mg / 1.5mg

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Dulse powder organic
Atlantic dulse powder (ragweed, red algae) in organic & raw food quality In order to present the different dulse variants more clearly, we have now recorded the dulse flakes, dulse leaves and dulse powder (this article) as separate articles. The powder is the easiest variant for the Detox Smoothie. Atlantic dulse or ragweed (Palmaria palmata) is a red alga, soft with a bite and a rich purplish reddish colour. It does not need to be boiled or soaked. So dulse is a great snack or an aromatic topping for potato and lentil dishes as well as for salads. Dulse has also become popular as an ingredient in Detox Smoothie in recent years. Dulse is extremely low in calories, free of fat and cholesterol, and rich in vitamin B6, fiber and proteins in addition to minerals. It has the highest iron content of any sea vegetable. 10g dried dulse corresponds to around 100g fresh dulse. Why we love Dulse Dulse is one of the easiest sea vegetables to use. It tastes mild and spicy and adds flavor and color to any dish. It is also one of the few purple colored foods and purple is the color of spiritual consciousness, the third eye. In order to increase availability, we have been working with two different producers for a few years. Irish dulse The kelp is wild collected in the west of Ireland at low tide and harvested by hand. With the help of a cold air drying system, the organic algae are dried very gently and in raw food quality. Variants: Due to the different amounts consumed, we offer Dulse powder in 100g and 250g bags. the larger bag is approx. 16.5% cheaper. Use dulse Traditionally harvested for generations, dulse can be eaten straight from the bag or used as an ingredient in smoothies. Dulse is also suitable steamed over potatoes or roasted until crispy as a snack or with salads and other dishes. As raw food directly from the bag or with salads (can be rinsed beforehand if necessary). In soups and stews, ideal with legumes and grain dishes. Add towards the end of the cooking time. Varying consistency (bite resistance) The consistency (bite firmness) of the Dulse leaves and flakes can vary depending on the batch and the season. This can be due to the time of harvest or the development of the individual plants at the time of harvest. Dulse algae are wild plants. In general, harvesting takes place shortly before flowering, so that the plants are still young enough to be sufficiently tender. Longer soaking or heating (cooking) reduces the firmness to the bite. Ingredients 100% dulse (palmaria palmata)** from certified organic origin Important instructions Due to the high mineral content, we recommend a daily ration of 5g. Due to the iodine content, particular caution is required for people with thyroid disorders. In these seaweeds, due to processing, there may be parts of crustaceans as well as grains of sand. Therefore, please check the leaves/flakes briefly before consumption. Nutritional values per 100g / per 5g (portion) Energy 320Kcal/1340KJ / 16Kcal/67KJProteins 14.8g / 0.7gCarbs 47.7g / 2.4gof which sugar 12.8g / 0.6gFat 2.56g / 0.1gof which saturated fatty acids 1g / 0.05gFiber 7.9g / 0.4gSalt 5.4g / 0.3gVitamin B12 4.8µg / 0.24µgIron 23mg / 1.2mgSelenium 0.3mg / 0.01mgIodine 32mg / 1.5mg Sea vegetables in general Sea vegetables are wild ocean plants that grow on coral reefs and rocky coasts, mostly in salt water. Sea vegetables are enjoyed in many coastal regions around the world and add flavor and nutrients to most dishes. Sea vegetables contain almost all of the minerals and trace elements that the sea has to offer! In general, sea vegetables are an excellent source of calcium, iodine and sodium, a very good source of folic acid and magnesium, and a good source of iron, potassium, vitamins B2 and B5. It also contains vitamin K and trace elements like selenium and chromium, which are often lacking in land vegetables due to depleted soils. Sea vegetables are an ideal substitute for salt in a variety of dishes.

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