Broschüre Smoothies in Rohkostqualität

Product information "Broschüre Smoothies in Rohkostqualität"

Broschüre Smoothies in Rohkostqualität

Broschüre von Urs und Rita Hochstrasser mit 25 leckeren Smoothie-Rezepten, interessanten Tipps & Tricks sowie schönen Fotos. 2. korrigierte Auflage 2016.

Highlights sind unter anderem:

  • Wassermelonen-Smoothie
  • Gedächtnis-Smoothie
  • Smoothie der Unsterblichkeit
  • Löwenzahl-Avocado-Soothie
  • Weizengras-Smoothie

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Accessory Items

Almond Butter Organic Soyana
Organic almond butter 1kg in raw food quality - very nutritious & versatile! Urs Hochstrasser, Swiss raw-food pioneer, helped develop this white organic almond puree and has been using it for over 20 years in his gourmet raw food cuisine. Almond puree is sometimes referred to as almond butter or almond butter. Characteristics Soyana organic almond butter The white almond purees are usually made from blanched almonds. By boiling in boiling water for a short time, the brown skin of the almond can be easily peeled off. The soyana almond puree is one of the few in raw food quality and is never heated above 40 ° in the production. Only exquisite organic almonds are used for the production. Why we love almond butter The almond butter is very nutritious, has a delicious almond flavor and a slightly sweet note. Due to its creamy consistency, it is not only smoothies & Co., but can also be enjoyed in between. Use The almond puree is suitable in the vegan kitchen instead of- dairy products for milkshakes, smoothies and soups- eggs for sauces, creams and desserts of all kinds (for example with carob powder).as well as for spreads. Tip: Mix with 3 tablespoons of almond butter and 5dl of water a nutritious almond milk in an instant. If you like it sweet, apple juice, agave syrup and yacon syrup and carob powder are suitable. Good best before date We regularly order new batches from Soyana, which is why the sell-by date of the almond puree is usually between 9 and 12 months. It is therefore worth ordering at least 3 pieces, because then a 5% quantity discount and postage-free shipping (from SFR 100 order value) are granted. Nutrition facts Organic Almond Butter per 100g Energy 2499 kJ / 672 kcalProtein 20.8gCarbohydrates 5.2g,of which sugar is 4.9gDietary fiber 10.4gTotal fat 55.6g, of which- Saturated FS 4.2g- Simply unh. FS 39g- Multiple uns. FS 10.8g- Cholesterol 0gWater 4.5g Calcium (Ca) 249 (31% * of the recommended daily dose)Iron (Fe) 3.96 (28% *)Sodium (Na) 16.8Phosphorus (P) 498 (71% *)Magnesium 198 (53% *)Potassium 813 (40% *) vitaminsA in μg 18.1E in mg 24.7 (205% *)B1 in mg 0.21 (19% *)B2 in mg 0.53 (37% *)Niacin (PP or B3) in mg 3.1 (19% *) Nutrition information comes from the Soyana homepage (producer).

Content: 1000 Gramm (CHF 3.79* / 100 Gramm)

From CHF 37.91*

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