Hemp Seeds whole / unpeeled

Quantity Unit price Base price
To 2
CHF 6.00*
CHF 12.00* (50% saved)
CHF 1.20* / 100 Gramm
From 3
CHF 5.70*
CHF 11.40* (50% saved)
CHF 1.14* / 100 Gramm

Available, delivery time: 1-4 days

Product number: 130.013

Hemp Seeds – Protein Rich Power Food

Hemp seeds offer a remarkable high nutrient density. They are rich in easily digestible protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, fibre and lecithin in perfect balance for our body.

Hemp has a ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids which is ideal for humans. This optimum functional ratio is considered to be 4:1. A reason why hemp seeds are an excellent brain food, help to beautify the skin and promote cellular oxygenation.

Edible hemp is a perfect food for athletes as it builds muscles and increases stamina. Vegetarians and vegans also benefit from this rich and high-quality protein source.

Whole hemp seeds, in contrast to shelled seeds, have a high fibre content.

Why we love Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are a wonderful gift of nature. Not only are they one of the most nutritious foods on the planet but also the most environmentally friendly food ever! Hemp easily grows anywhere, requires no pesticides or herbicides and is raw material for the production of almost everything we need in our modern society, such as clothing, paper, biodegradable plastics, fuel, cars, building insulation, etc.

In addition, hemp seeds provide outstanding health benefits. They contain all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids (including the rare gamma-linolenic acid!), which the body cannot produce itself and which are considered vital for maintaining human health.

Hardly any other plant source contains essential amino acids in such an easily digestible form or essential fatty acids in such perfect  ratio for human beings!

Because they are so rich in essential nutrients, we make sure we have them every day in good amounts. A feat not difficult to achieve since hemp seeds are truly a delicious and versatile food.

SamaraNatura Hemp Seeds

Samara Natura hemp seeds are grown under controlled organic conditions. They come from legal and officially approved varieties and are cultivated in Germany and Austria without pesticides and agrochemicals.

The concentration of omega-3 fatty acids is higher when the plant is growing in cooler climates like these countries.


Hemp seeds can be sprinkled on salads, soups and on virtually any other dish. Add  as ingredient to cereals, smoothies, desserts and nut milk. Also tasty just like that.

  • Beginner or child (ages 2-9): 15-30 grams a day
  • Teens (ages 10-18): 30-50 grams
  • Adults: 50-75 grams a day
  • Super-Athletes: as much as 140 grams a day

Hemp seeds are ideally eaten raw – not cooked.

Hemp seeds do not contain the enzyme inhibitors typically found in seeds. This is why they are great to be eaten raw without having to soak them in water beforehand. You can also drink fresh hemp milk if you mix the seeds into water and then strain the milk-like drink (see recipe page).

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Organic hemp oil from Austria
Organic hemp oil - rich in valuable omega-3 fatty acids Update: The new pressing with a best before date of 30. June 2024 is now available. The hemp plant produces oleaginous seeds that contain between 25-35% by weight of oil rich in essential fatty acids (EFA). EFA are fatty acids that humans cannot produce themselves and which they depend on through food. Why consume hemp oil? Hemp oil is an excellent food for supplying EFA, linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid and the rare gamma-linolenic acid. These fatty acids are required for the production of numerous hormones and for cell renewal. Fatty acids support the functions of the human body to maintain health and contribute to the normal development and growth of the organism. Omega-3 fatty acids are built into the cell membrane and are necessary for their structure and function. Omega-3 fatty acids have an impact on blood lipid regulation. They make a contribution to health as part of a balanced diet. Hemp oil in comparison with similar products Hemp has an optimal functional ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids for humans, which is considered to be 4:1. Hardly any other vegetable food source contains the essential fatty acids (EFA) in such an ideal ratio for the human organism! While hemp oil is more expensive than hemp seed, the EFAs in the oil are more readily available and metabolized by the body. Because EFAs are so important to our diet, because most people's bodies aren't functioning optimally, and because hemp is such a nutrient-rich product, we think it's a good idea to include both oil and seeds in your daily diet. Hemp oil for skin care The oil can also be used externally for skin care, even if the skin is in poor condition, as it is easily absorbed and provides a lot of moisture. What makes our cold-pressed organic hemp oil special? Most oils sold in the supermarket are extracted at too high temperatures and with solvents and then refined. The oils lack the beneficial properties and contain harmful trans fatty acids as a result of hydrogenation. Our hemp oil is gently cold-pressed in Austria from local organic hemp seeds, filled into dark-tinted bottles, sealed and stored in a cool place to preserve the impressive nutritional properties of the oil. 1 liter of hemp oil is obtained from 5 kg of unpeeled hemp seeds. It has a beautiful green-yellow colour and has a nutty, slightly grassy taste. Please note that oils should be pressed with minimal heat because the higher the temperature, the faster the oil will be destroyed by light, oxygen and other chemical reactions. A change in the fatty acid molecules caused by heat also affects the nutritional and biological value of the oil. Use of organic hemp oil in everyday life It is not suitable for frying and should only be used raw. Hemp oil gives salad dressings, marinades, mayonnaise, dips and spreads a spicy touch. It can be used instead of or in conjunction with olive, walnut and safflower oils. Intake for a person with average build/body fat profile can be 1-3 tablespoons (up to 50ml) per day. Nutritional values ​​organic hemp oil per 100g Energy 3441 kJ/837 kcalFat 93gfrom that- saturated fat 8.8g- monounsaturated fatty acids 13g- polyunsaturated fatty acids 70gcarbohydrates 0gof which sugar 0gprotein 0gsalt 0gVitamin E 76mg (633% NRV*)Omega-3 fatty acids (α-linolenic acid) 16 g/100 ml*the recommended daily dose of 12mg according to the Food Ordinance

Content: 250 ml (CHF 2.36* / 100 ml)

From CHF 5.90*
Hochwertiger Nussmilchsack aus Nylon Die Herstellung von eigener Nussmilch ist eigentlich ganz einfach. Es eignen sich Haselnüsse, Mandeln, Macadamianüsse, Cashewkerne und sogar Sesam oder Hanfsamen (geschält oder ungeschält). Wir führen eine grosse Auswahl an naturbelassenen und angekeimten Nüssen im Sortiment. Am besten probierst du es einfach aus - probieren geht über studieren! Vorteile und Nachteile von frischer Nussmilch Frisch zubereitete Nussmilch ist nicht nur sehr lecker, sondern auch eine Quelle für Vitamine, Mineralstoffe, Enzyme, ungesättigte Fettsäuren und Antioxidantien. Da die frische Nussmilch keine Zusätze enthält und nicht pasteurisiert ist, verdirbt sie bereits nach 24 Stunden im Kühlschrank. Wir empfehlen deshalb stets nur kleine Mengen herzustellen. Herkunft Nussmilchsack Der hochwertige Naturkostbar Nussmilchsack stammt aus einem Kleinunternehmen in Arizona. Zwei Freundinnen - Karla und Elaina - entwickelten und nähten hier 1999 den ersten Nussmilchsack für ihre Rohkost-Veranstaltungen. So vereinfachten sie die Gewinnung von Nussmilch, denn die Tropferei und die Handhabung mit dem Käsetuch war ihnen verständlicherweise zu umständlich. Mit viel Liebe und hohen Qualitätsansprüchen fertigt Karla in ihrer Näherei seither die hochwertigen Nussmilchsäcke. Das Unternehmen von Elaina vertreibt die Produkte. Aus welchem Material ist der Nussmilchsack? Der Nussmilchsack ist aus Nylon gefertigt. Wie verwende ich den Nussmilchsack? Für die Herstellung von Nussmilch: Ein bis zwei Tassen Nüsse über Nacht in frischem Wasser einweichen. Beim Einweichen entstehen Enzyme (Phytasen), welche die Phytinsäure spalten und dadurch die Nüsse besser verdaulich machen. Das Einweichwasser wegschütten und die Nüsse kurz spülen. Nüsse mit 2-3 Tassen frischem Wasser mixen.Je kräftiger der Mixer, umso besser. Die gemixte Masse durch den Nussmilchsack in einen Topf abtropfen lassen und leicht auspressen. Die im Nussmilchsack verbliebenen Faserstoffe kannst du trocknen und mit dem Mixer zu Nussmehl verarbeiten. Verpacke das Mehl luftdicht und bewahre es im Kühlschrank auf. Es eignet sich als ballaststoffreiche Zutat für Kuchen, Kekse, Crepes etc.    

From CHF 14.25*

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Camu Camu powder organic
Camu camu powder with 15% vitamin C content The camu camu fruit has the highest documented natural vitamin C content of any food on earth. Compared to oranges, camu camu provides 30-60 times more vitamin C, 10 times more iron, 3 times more niacin, twice as much riboflavin and 50% more phosphorus! Camu camu contains 2-3g of vitamin C per 100g of fresh fruit and around 10-12g per 100g of dried powder. That doesn't seem like much compared to synthetic vitamin C supplements, but the vitamin C in camu camu is a naturally occurring, highly bioavailable form and works synergistically in the body for maximum benefit. Why Consume Camu Camu Powder? We have found camu camu to energize and uplift and improve mood. It helps us stay active and in a good mood throughout the day. A pretty amazing effect for such a small berry. We all know about the great health value of vitamin C, and since there is camu camu, we can dispense with artificial, synthetic forms entirely. For people like us, who are always on the lookout for what nature has to offer, this is a blessing. The berry is 100% natural and a powerful, highly concentrated food. Due to its natural origin and in combination with other vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids and amino acids, the vitamin C contained in camu camu is fully absorbed by the body, which is not the case with synthetic vitamin C. What makes our camu camu powder special? SamaraNatura Camu Camu (scientific name: Myrciaria dubia) grows wild in the Peruvian Amazon. The berries are harvested directly into boats equipped with freezing systems. The boats travel the waterways of the Amazon where the fruit is picked at full maturity and flash frozen. At a processing plant, the fruit is then thawed, peeled, liquefied and spray dried. The resulting powder is pale pink to yellow-brown and has powerful ingredients. We receive our camu camu in the form of a pure, unadulterated powder with an orange-light brown colour. It takes about 15kg of berries to make 1kg of powder, which contains 10-12% vitamin C by weight. Therefore, it takes very little to stock up on an effective dose of antioxidants. Camu camu powder: Often different vitamin C content We would like to point out that the vitamin C content of camu camu powder varies greatly. For example, there is also camu camu with only 5-6% vitamin C. When comparing, pay attention to the vitamin C content, because the lower the product, the cheaper it should be. Influence on sustainable development of the Amazon basin We also like that the growing popularity of Camu Camu is contributing to the sustainable development of the Amazon Basin and helping locals maintain their traditional lifestyle. How to use camu camu powder? Like other superfoods, camu camu is very easy to use. Simply mix the powder into your smoothie in the morning or an afternoon pick-me-up drink. Camu camu has a fairly acidic taste, although it does not have an acidifying effect on the body and is easier on the stomach than synthetic ascorbic acid. It therefore tastes best when mixed with other ingredients. Add about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon (2-3 g) to juices, smoothies, ice cream, raw desserts, or simply to your drinking water. It's a great way to balance out the sweetness in fruit smoothies and desserts. Tip: Camunade is a refreshing drink that gives you a good vitamin C boost. Simply sprinkle a teaspoon of camu camu into a glass of cold water (sparkling or still), add a squeeze of lime juice and some sweetener (e.g. agave or yacon syrup) and shake briefly. You can increase the daily amount if necessary (spread the intake over the day), but diarrhea symptoms indicate that you are taking too much camu camu. Nutritional values ​​Bio Camu Camu per daily portion (3g) energy value 11 kcal/46 kJ,fat 0.03g,carbohydrates 2.5g,of which sugar 0g,dietary fiber 0.2g,protein 0.16g,330mg vitamin C (314%*) All information is subject to the usual fluctuations in natural products.*the recommended daily dose of approx. 105g according to the DACH reference value. The DACH reference values for nutrient intake are published jointly by the German, Austrian and Swiss societies for nutrition. The abbreviation DACH is derived from the usual country codes for Germany (D), Austria (A) and Switzerland (CH).

Variants from CHF 31.26*
CHF 32.90*
Shelled hemp seeds Organic Austria
Shelled hemp seeds - protein rich nutrition Hemp seeds are characterized by an unusually high nutrient density. Rich in easily digestible protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber and lecithin in perfect balance for our body. Hemp has an optimal human function ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids, which is generally regarded as 4: 1. Hemp seeds are thus an excellent brain food, beautify the skin and promote the oxygen supply of the cells. Hemp seeds are a good food for the supply of EFS, with linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid and the rare gamma-linolenic acid. These fatty acids are needed for the production of numerous hormones and cell renewal. They support the functions of the human body to maintain health and contribute to the normal development and growth of the organism. Omega-3 fatty acids are incorporated into the cell membrane and are necessary for their construction and their function. Omega-3 fatty acids have an influence on blood lipid regulation. They contribute to health within a balanced diet. An ideal food for athletes, as edible Muscle builds and strengthens endurance. Vegetarians also benefit from this rich and high-quality protein source. Shelled (also called peeled or hulled) hemp seeds, in contrast to whole seeds, have a low fiber content. Why we love shelled hemp seeds Hemp seeds are a wonderful gift of nature. They are not only one of the most nutritious foods on the planet, but also the most environmentally friendly food ever! Hemp grows everywhere without problems, does not require pesticides or herbicides and is suitable for the production of almost everything we need in our modern society: clothing, paper, biodegradable plastic, fuel, cars, building insulation, just to name a few. In addition, hemps provide excellent health benefits. They contain all essential amino acids and essential fatty acids (including the rare gamma-linoleic acid!) Which the body can not produce by itself and which are necessary for the health of human life. Hardly any other plant source contains essential amino acids in so easily digestible form or the essential fatty acids in a ratio so optimal for human beings! Because shelled hemp seeds are so rich in important nutrients, we take them daily to us in abundant quantity. A feat that is easy to accomplish since peeled hemp seeds are a delicious and versatile food. SamaraNatura shelled hemp seeds SamaraNatura Hemp seeds are obtained from legal, officially approved cultivars cultivated in Austria without pesticides and agrochemicals. The omega-3 content in hemp seed is higher when the plant grows in a cooler climate, as in Germany and Austria. Use shelled hemp seeds Deliciously so, or spread over salads, soups and other dishes; As an ingredient for smoothies, muesli and desserts. Beginner or child (2-9 years): 15-30 grams per day Teenagers (10-18 years): 30-50 grams Adults: 50-75 grams per day Performance athletes: up to 140 grams per day You should eat hemp seeds only raw and not boil. Since it is the enzyme inhibitors typical for many seeds with hemp seeds. You can eat them very raw without having to soak them in water. It is also possible to drink hemp freshly in the form of milk by pouring the shelled seeds into water and possibly foraging them (see recipe). Nutritional values ​​hemp seeds shelled per 100g Energy 2627kJ/635kcalFat 55gof which saturated fatty acids 4.8gOmega-3 fatty acids 10gCarbohydrates 2.8gof which sugars 1.9gFiber 4.1gProtein 29gSalt < 0.03g

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 5.40* / 100 Gramm)

Variants from CHF 12.83*
CHF 13.50*
Spirulina Tablets Hawaii
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Content: 125 Gramm (CHF 28.00* / 100 Gramm)

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CHF 35.00*
Wheatgrass powder organic
Wheatgrass Powder from New Zealand - Mineralising and Purifying After a long absence, our wheatgrass powder from New Zealand is available again from 10th September!Wheatgrass contains a variety of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, secondary plant compounds and antioxidants. Regular use of wheatgrass powder can help the body maintain its optimal level of all necessary nutrients. Its rich green colour is a testament to its abundance of chlorophyll, which is beneficial. Why is wheatgrass powder healthy? We love grasses and consume them almost daily. They provide almost all the nutrients the body needs, and in a very easily digestible form. They are also cheaper than most multivitamin and multimineral products. It's easier to live a happy and active life in a body that is replenished with all the nutrients it needs! SamaraNatura Organic Wheatgrass Powder Wheatgrass powder is 100% pure, grown without pesticides or agrochemicals and is made from young shoots. The grasses grow outdoors in the sunny, mineral rich and fertile soils of New Zealand. They are harvested before the stalks develop and immediately dehydrated at body temperature. This ensures that the naturally pure, "living" organic ingredients of this superfood, including heat-sensitive enzymes and nutrients, are preserved. Grasses vary in their nutrient content depending on where, when and how they grow. Our grass is grown in very fertile soils in New Zealand. How to use Wheatgrass powder? Add the wheatgrass powder to water, water kefir, fresh fruit and vegetable juices, smoothie, add to food or other drinks. Initially take ½ tsp daily, increasing to 1-2 tsp or more as needed. It is best to drink ½ hour before meals. The amount of powder should only be increased gradually so that the body can get used to it. Note: Wheatgrass powder may have a high content of vitamin K. Prudent use in hypersensitive individuals may be appropriate. Due to its antioxidant properties, grass powders are also suitable for external use. They are ideal for skin and hair care. In powder form, grasses make a good mouthwash and an excellent dental cleanser. The grasses are also excellent for dogs and cats. You can mix the powder into their food, both in dry and moist form. Nutritional values wheatgrass powder per 100g (serving 1TL = 2g) Energy value 1185kJ/284kcal (24kJ/6kcal)Fat 3.5g (0.1g)-of which saturated fatty acids 0.7g (0.01g)Carbohydrates 20.3g (0.4g)-of which sugar 8.4g (0.2g)Dietary fibre 37.8g (0.8g)Protein 24g (0.5g)Salt 0.1g (0.0g)Chlorophyll 1g (20mg)

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 14.06* / 100 Gramm)

Variants from CHF 28.10*
From CHF 35.15*
Cacao nibs Criollo Organic
Cacao Nibs Criollo – Chocolate Magic Cacao nibs or chips are cacao beans which were peeled and broken into small pieces. Our cacao nibs are from one of the finest cacao varieties and 100% raw and unprocessed. Our premium cacao is grown by small farmers in the Amazon rainforest under semi-wild conditions. Cacao has all the health benefits of chocolate but without the high sugar content and additives found in commercial chocolate. Raw cacao contains an abundance of antioxidants, and the combination of stimulating substances (serotonin, dopamine, anandamide and phenethylamine) has mood lifting effects and promotes in us feelings of well-being and joy. Cacao is also rich in magnesium and sulfur, the beauty mineral. Cacao nibs taste less bitter than cacao powder, since they still contain the entire share of the cacao butter (approx. 55%), as also cacao paste does. Why we love Cacao The cacao bean is an amazing food given to us by Mother Nature. The Aztecs considered cacao as a gift of God and used it not only as an offering, but also as a means of payment. It is estimated that raw cacao contains approx. 300 substances and it is considered as one the foods richest in antioxidants! Therefore cacao can significantly help to protect our body cells from free radicals and premature aging. Cacao has the highest magnesium content of all foods. Magnesium is essential for the heart, brain, to calm and relax nerves and muscles and to build bones and cartilages. In conjunction with other ingredients cacao is an ideal brain food and supports mental performance, concentration and attention. Cacao contains a combination of substances which affect our emotions stimulating feelings of well-being and joy. And cacao is rich in sulfur, which promotes strong nails and healthy hair and beautifies the skin. SamaraNatura Cacao Nibs Our cacao nibs are 100% raw and unprocessed. They are made from Criollo cacao from Peru, which is one of the best and rarest varieties in the world. Our fine cocoa is cultivated without the use of pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. Fine cacao of premium quality has a share of only 5-10% of the world's cacao production. Fine cacao grows under similar and often nearly same conditions as in nature, since cacao trees do not like full sun and thrive best close to high rainforest trees. On the contrary the commercial Forastero cacao is typically cultivated in monoculture plantations. As the name indicates, fine cacao has a better, more exquisite flavour which is less bitter than the taste of commercial cacao. Criollo beans are slightly fermented which enhances their typical cacao aroma. Cacao nibs, which are cacao beans peeled and broken into small pieces, taste less bitter than the beans. The purity of our organic, fair trade certified Criollo Cacao is void of mycotoxins, mould and yeast, and thus prevents you from experiencing the jitters associated with caffeine foods or beverages. Use On its own as a snack or sprinkle on cereals and fruit salad. Add cacao nibs to desserts and smoothies. They taste particularly good together with goji berries and nuts. Cacao nibs are convenient to take for journeys and on travels as they do not melt as quickly as chocolate does when exposed to heat. If you prefer more sweetness, you can dip the cacao nibs in agave syrup or honey. Nutritional values Cacao Nibs per 100g Energy value 2529 kJ / 613 kcalFat 55.2gof which saturated fatty acids 34.2gCarbohydrates 8.04gof which sugar 1.7gDietary fiber 14.8gProtein 13.61gMagnesium 314mg (75% of the recommended daily dose).

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 6.24* / 100 Gramm)

Variants from CHF 14.82*
CHF 15.60*
Inca Berries (Physalis) Organic
Inca Berries – Sweet and sour Superfruits Inca berries (Physalis peruviana), also called Andean or Cape gooseberries, grow wild on the mineral-rich soils of the Peruvian Andes and have been enjoyed in South American cultures for thousands of years. An ancient food and one of the last cultivated products of the Incas, which has been rediscovered worldwide for several years. The delicious, sweet and sour berries grow in protective paper-like wrappers that look like small Chinese lanterns. Why we love Inca Berries Inca berries have an exquisite, exotic, sweet and sour taste that is second to none. A delicious snack. Connoisseurs like to enjoy them with chocolate products and wine. The Inca berry is also known as the "Goji berry of South America". The small, chewable kernels of the Andean berries have a slight laxative effect. SamaraNatura Organic Inca Berries SamaraNatura Inca berries are raw food quality and are grown without pesticides or agrochemicals. Our Inca berries are soft and relatively sweet, not as sour as you usually find them. Harvesting and drying these precious little berries is very time-consuming work, hence the relatively high price. In fact, it takes a person a full day to clean just 10 kg of fresh fruit. The berries are placed in sun dryers and removed again when they have reached the perfect level of moisture and are still a little soft. You need about 3 kg of fresh fruit for 500g of dried berries. Use Excellent as a snack on its own. Their exquisite, exotic taste goes perfectly with chocolate and wine. Inca berries enrich many desserts, smoothies, mueslis, baked goods, trail mix and jams. The unmistakable balance of sweet and sour taste also goes well with chia pudding and Lucuma. Nutritional values Inca berries (Physalis) per 100g Energy value 1276kJ / 304kcalFat 5.6gof which saturated fatty acids 0.5gCarbohydrates 49.0gof which sugar 34.4gProtein 6.6gSalt <0.1g

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 6.36* / 100 Gramm)

Variants from CHF 9.80*
CHF 15.90*
Cedarnuts (Siberian Pine nuts)
Cedar Nuts – A Nature's Real Treasure For centuries native Siberians have always appreciated the Siberian cedar tree (pinus sibirica) as a source of valuable wood, natural remedies and tasty, nutritious kernels in the pine cones of the tree. Cedar nuts (also called Siberian pine nuts) contain about 55% valuable unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid as well as the rare pinol-/pinolenic acid. They are rich in tocopherols (vitamin E) as powerful antioxidants and high-quality proteins (about 17%). Furthermore, cedar nuts contain many minerals (most notably magnesium, potassium, phosphorus), trace elements (copper, zinc, manganese), vitamins (K and B) and flavonoids. More than 200 years ago, the German natural scientist Peter Simon Pallas wrote about the healing effects of cedar nuts. They reduce fatigue, boost energy, rejuvenate the body and increase potency. Cedar nuts taste like pine nuts, but slightly sweeter. Our cedar nuts are not heat- treated in contrast to almost all other pine nuts available in shops. Why we love Cedar Nuts The Siberian cedar, is a real treasure of Siberian nature, forming vast areas of pristine forests throughout Northern Russia. These huge, magnificent trees typically reach 40 meters tall. The trees grow slowly and the first nut-bearing cones only appear once the trees are about 30 years old. Siberian pines are some of the longest-living trees ranging from 300 to 800 years old! Throughout its long life span, the evergreen cedar captures the rays of cosmic light energy and stores it in its millions of needles.  Already thousands of years ago Siberian people appreciated the properties of the cedar tree, which they called "the Eternal". They used the brushwood  to prepare a healthy drink, the resin for healing wounds and ulcers, and the cedar nut and its oil were taken to help cure many diseases and overvcome the long, severe winters of Siberia. Nowaday scientists in Russia and around the world have been exploring the properties of the cedar nuts and its oil. Research showed clear effects on gastritis, heartburn and dysplasia (cancer prestages) in stomach and esophagus, improved gall bladder function, cholesterol-lowering effects and positive impact on blood sugar levels. Siberian pine nuts and oil are also beneficial for the care and regeneration of the skin, the oil is used in skin diseases such as eczema. SamaraNatura Cedar Nuts Virtually all pine kernels sold in the shops are heat-treated to preserve them. Our cedar nuts from Mongolia are raw and a bit sweeter and lighter and fantastic just about any way you choose to use them. We recommend to  keep them refrigerated. Use Cedar nuts taste great as a snack by its own. You can add them to trail mixes with goji berries and cacao nibs or use them on your salads, in mayonnaises, creams and milks. They will add a little elegance and sophistication to your cuisine.

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 7.18* / 100 Gramm)

From CHF 17.96*