Edelsnaeck Baumnuss Fiesta (Baumnuesse mariniert) Naturkostbar Bio

Product information "Edelsnaeck Baumnuss Fiesta (Baumnuesse mariniert) Naturkostbar Bio"

Angekeimte und marinierte Baumnüsse 

Naturkostbar lässt die wild gesammelten Schweizer Baumnüsse ankeimen und aromatisiert sie nach der schonenden Trocknung (unter 40°C) mit einer herrlichen Rosmarin-Tamari-Marinade - mhmm, lecker Schmecker!

Herkunft und Verarbeitung

Die Baumnüsse stammen von alten, majestätischen Baumnussbäumen aus dem Schweizer Seeland. Lokale Bauern sammeln die wildgewachsenen Nüsse von Hand ein. Ein Schweizer Nussknacker befreit sie vorsichtig von der harten Schale.

Naturkostbar lässt die die Baumnüsse ankeimen, damit sie ihr volles Nährstoffpotential entfalten können. Der zweite wichtige Verarbeitungsschritt erfolgt durch das Marinieren. Die Marinade enthält Nama Bio Tamari Sojasauce, Rosmarin, Kokosblütenzucker, Salz und Knoblauch.

Natürlicher Genuss

Das Resultat sind knackige, würzig-süsse Baumnüsse. Sie schmecken ausgewogen nussig und verführen mit sanftem Rosmarin-Aroma.

✓ Schweizer Wildsammlungen

✓ Bio, vegan und Rohkostqualität

✓ Angekeimt

✓ Glutenfrei

Verwendung marinierte Baumnüsse

Die leckeren Rosmarin-Baumnüsse eignen sich hervorragend zu jedem Apéro oder als Topping für Salate wie auch als Brain-Food fürs Büro.


Baumnüsse**, Tamari*, Kokosblütenzucker*, Baumnussöl, Knoblauchpulver*, Steinsalz.

*aus biologischer Landwirtschaft, **angekeimt

Nährwertangaben marinierte Baumnüsse

Energie / Nährstoff pro 100gg/mg/μg%*1
*1 Referenzmenge/Tagesdosis für einen durchschnittlichen Erwachsenen (8400kJ/2000kcal)
Energie 2792kJ (677kcal) 33%
Fett 62.9g 90%
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 5.63g 28%
Kohlenhydrate 11.9g 5%
davon Zucker 5.2g 6%
Eiweiss 14.3g 29%
Salz 1.25g 21%

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Accessory Items

Goji Berries Organic
Goji Berry – The Miracle Fruit The delicious goji berries (Lycium) are one of the most nutritionally-rich fruit on the planet. They are a complete protein source containing 18 different amino acids, up to 21 trace elements, B vitamins, immune fortifying polysaccharides and much more. Goji berries contain more vitamin C than oranges, more beta-carotene than carrots, and more iron than a steak! For thousands of years, the goji berry has enriched the diet of the people of the Himalayan regions, helping them to attain better health and more energy. Traditional Chinese Medicine considers the the berry to be the number one food-herb. Goji berries contribute to a healthy, happy and energetic life. Why we love Goji Berries We love goji berries because they are a true superfood, one of the most nutrient- dense foods in the world, and one of the highest antioxidant foods available! Goji berries give us energy, improving our focus and sleep quality, while reducing stress and fatigue, making us feel healthier and happier. Goji berry is not only a true miracle fruit, but it also tastes delicious and is one of the easiest foods to consume. Because of its positive effect on the blood sugar level, it is also very beneficial for diabetics and absolutely anyone can (or should!) benefit from this powerful red fruit. SamaraNatura Goji Berries Our goji berries are grown without pesticides and agrochemicals in the fertile valleys of Ningxia Province, China. Here, in their indigenous terrain, the berries are vine-ripened, harvested in the summer months, and dehydrated at low temperatures for maximum nutrient preservation. The berries are dried to a moisture content of 10-14% for a soft and chewy texture, and can easily be re-hydrated if desired. These pure Goji berries are raw, vegan, and certified organic by a German certification body. Use Goji berries can be consumed in many different ways. The berry has a mild tangy taste that is slightly sweet and sour. It has a similar shape and chewy texture as raisins. Also like raisins, goji berries can be eaten on their own or added to your Muesli, trail mix, whole fruits and nut bars, and desserts. Furthermore, you can add the berries to your tea, juice, smoothie, and soup, or make your own goji juice by letting them soak in water. You can truly be creative and let your imagination soar with this delicious superfood. Dosage: around 10-30 grams per day. However, there is no upper limit to consumption. The indigenous mountain people who grow these berries eat them by handful. Dried goji berries are shelf stable for well over a year if stored properly in a cool environment. Note: A common misconception about superfoods and herbs is that there is a standard dosage. We believe that the proper measure is in relation to size, sensitivity, age, gender and many other factors that make each human being unique. Nutritional values ​​organic goji berries from China per 100g Energy value 1378kJ / 326kcalFat 2.3g- of which saturated fatty acids 0.4g Carbohydrates 60.3g - of which sugar 50g Fiber 12.6g Protein 9.8g Salt 1g  

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 7.20* / 100 Gramm)

Variants from CHF 17.10*
CHF 18.00*
Inca Berries (Physalis) Organic
Inca Berries – Sweet and sour Superfruits Inca berries (Physalis peruviana), also called Andean or Cape gooseberries, grow wild on the mineral-rich soils of the Peruvian Andes and have been enjoyed in South American cultures for thousands of years. An ancient food and one of the last cultivated products of the Incas, which has been rediscovered worldwide for several years. The delicious, sweet and sour berries grow in protective paper-like wrappers that look like small Chinese lanterns. Why we love Inca Berries Inca berries have an exquisite, exotic, sweet and sour taste that is second to none. A delicious snack. Connoisseurs like to enjoy them with chocolate products and wine. The Inca berry is also known as the "Goji berry of South America". The small, chewable kernels of the Andean berries have a slight laxative effect. SamaraNatura Organic Inca Berries SamaraNatura Inca berries are raw food quality and are grown without pesticides or agrochemicals. Our Inca berries are soft and relatively sweet, not as sour as you usually find them. Harvesting and drying these precious little berries is very time-consuming work, hence the relatively high price. In fact, it takes a person a full day to clean just 10 kg of fresh fruit. The berries are placed in sun dryers and removed again when they have reached the perfect level of moisture and are still a little soft. You need about 3 kg of fresh fruit for 500g of dried berries. Use Excellent as a snack on its own. Their exquisite, exotic taste goes perfectly with chocolate and wine. Inca berries enrich many desserts, smoothies, mueslis, baked goods, trail mix and jams. The unmistakable balance of sweet and sour taste also goes well with chia pudding and Lucuma. Nutritional values Inca berries (Physalis) per 100g Energy value 1276kJ / 304kcalFat 5.6gof which saturated fatty acids 0.5gCarbohydrates 49.0gof which sugar 34.4gProtein 6.6gSalt <0.1g

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 6.36* / 100 Gramm)

Variants from CHF 9.06*
CHF 15.90*
Cedar Nut Oil organic cold-pressed
Cold pressed organic cedar nut oil - the gold of the taiga The precious amber-colored cedar oil has been used in all of Russia for centuries. The taste is pleasantly nutty.Due to the careful processing and cold pressing of organic cedar nuts from the Altai mountains in Siberia, many vital substances are preserved. Why we love cedar nut oil We use cedar oil regularly in the cold kitchen, because we love the taste and change with the oils. It contains over 26% mono-saturated fatty acids (EFS) and over 65% polyunsaturated fatty acids (MUFS). Cedar nut oil is one of the few oils that have a high vitamin E content (about 30 mg per 100 g). Vitamin E can help to protect the cells from oxidative stress. Siberian cedar nut oil Siberian cedar nut oil is generally regarded as reinforcing. In addition, in Russia various cosmetics contain cedar nut oil, because of this, for the maintenance of healthy skin beneficial properties. Use cedar nut oil The oil tastes particularly delicious for leaf or mixed salads, lightly warm dishes and raw food specialties. Take 1 teaspoon (3 ml) up to 3 times a day. Like most cold-pressed oils, the heating of the quality damages considerably. Therefore, it should be used only for cold to light warm meals. Notes: Store cool, dry and protected against light, since cedar oil is very sensitive to UV light. In particular direct sunlight should be avoided. Keep it in the refrigerator for the first time. Nutritional values ​​Cedar nut oil Nutritional Facts / Nutritional Facts per 100 g / 100 g Energy / Energy 3429 kJ (902 kcal) Fat / fat 92.5 gOf saturated / saturated 7.4 gMonounsaturated fatty acids 24.6 gPolyunsaturated fatty acids 60.5 g Carbohydrates / carbohydrates 0 gOf which sugar / sugars 0 g Protein / protein 0 gSalt / Salt 0 mgVitamin E 30.6 mg = 255% * *) Reference for an average adult (8400 kJ / 2000 kcal)

From CHF 17.77*
Sea Buckthorn Berries dried Organic
Organic dried sea buckthorn berries - unsweetened & from wild collection Why buy sea buckthorn berries? An analysis carried out by the retailer provided evidence of the sensational amounts of vital substances in sea buckthorn. The berries have a very high omega 7 fatty acid and B12 content. This high content is probably only contained in the Uzbek wild-collected organic sea buckthorn. Cultivated sea buckthorn usually has much lower levels and vitamin B12 in plant foods is very rare! Dried sea buckthorn contains mostly the same vital substances and nutrients as fresh sea buckthorn, only in a more concentrated form because the water has been removed. These wild sea buckthorn berries have an intense, spicy and very sour taste. They have a strong, intense light - to dark orange color. The pulp surrounds a core, which is also dried. This results in a crispy consistency. What makes our wild organic sea buckthorn berries special? When fully ripe, the wild sea buckthorn berries are picked by hand, washed and gently dried with the help of the sun. The drying process used is a very environmentally friendly solar drying method that is extremely gentle on the product. The organic sea buckthorn berries are:• unsulphured (according to EU organic regulation)• without artificial additives• without preservatives• without dyes Where do our organic sea buckthorn berries come from? Wild harvested organic sea buckthorn berries are very hard to come by. We could buy a batch with origin Ukraine. These wild sea buckthorn berries come from the Lemberg/Lviv region in western Ukraine, near the Polish border. They are packed in 125g bags. How to integrate into the daily diet? The dried organic sea buckthorn berries are suitable as a small, refreshing snack or as a varied ingredient in your power muesli. To round off the sour taste, you can combine the sea buckthorn with nuts and sweet dried fruits such as raisins. Or you can use a healthy sweetener like agave, yacon or apple syrup. Origin Wild collected and processed in Ukraine. Nutritional values of sea buckthorn berries per 100g Energy value 1116kJ/270kcalFat 21.5gof which saturated fatty acids 1.2gcarbohydrates 8.9gof which sugar 8.8gprotein 5.5 gSalt 0.037g All information is subject to the usual fluctuations in natural products. Storage: Store in a cool, dry and dark place.

Content: 125 Gramm (CHF 13.68* / 100 Gramm)

From CHF 17.10*

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Cedarnuts (Siberian Pine nuts)
Cedar Nuts – A Nature's Real Treasure For centuries native Siberians have always appreciated the Siberian cedar tree (pinus sibirica) as a source of valuable wood, natural remedies and tasty, nutritious kernels in the pine cones of the tree. Cedar nuts (also called Siberian pine nuts) contain about 55% valuable unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid as well as the rare pinol-/pinolenic acid. They are rich in tocopherols (vitamin E) as powerful antioxidants and high-quality proteins (about 17%). Furthermore, cedar nuts contain many minerals (most notably magnesium, potassium, phosphorus), trace elements (copper, zinc, manganese), vitamins (K and B) and flavonoids. More than 200 years ago, the German natural scientist Peter Simon Pallas wrote about the healing effects of cedar nuts. They reduce fatigue, boost energy, rejuvenate the body and increase potency. Cedar nuts taste like pine nuts, but slightly sweeter. Our cedar nuts are not heat- treated in contrast to almost all other pine nuts available in shops. Why we love Cedar Nuts The Siberian cedar, is a real treasure of Siberian nature, forming vast areas of pristine forests throughout Northern Russia. These huge, magnificent trees typically reach 40 meters tall. The trees grow slowly and the first nut-bearing cones only appear once the trees are about 30 years old. Siberian pines are some of the longest-living trees ranging from 300 to 800 years old! Throughout its long life span, the evergreen cedar captures the rays of cosmic light energy and stores it in its millions of needles.  Already thousands of years ago Siberian people appreciated the properties of the cedar tree, which they called "the Eternal". They used the brushwood  to prepare a healthy drink, the resin for healing wounds and ulcers, and the cedar nut and its oil were taken to help cure many diseases and overvcome the long, severe winters of Siberia. Nowaday scientists in Russia and around the world have been exploring the properties of the cedar nuts and its oil. Research showed clear effects on gastritis, heartburn and dysplasia (cancer prestages) in stomach and esophagus, improved gall bladder function, cholesterol-lowering effects and positive impact on blood sugar levels. Siberian pine nuts and oil are also beneficial for the care and regeneration of the skin, the oil is used in skin diseases such as eczema. SamaraNatura Cedar Nuts Virtually all pine kernels sold in the shops are heat-treated to preserve them. Our cedar nuts from Mongolia are raw and a bit sweeter and lighter and fantastic just about any way you choose to use them. We recommend to  keep them refrigerated. Use Cedar nuts taste great as a snack by its own. You can add them to trail mixes with goji berries and cacao nibs or use them on your salads, in mayonnaises, creams and milks. They will add a little elegance and sophistication to your cuisine.

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 6.84* / 100 Gramm)

From CHF 17.10*
Mandeln angekeimt Bio Naturkostbar
Mandeln angekeimt Bio - doppelter Gehalt an Magnesium und Kalzium Die Bio Mandeln aus Spanien werden in der Naturkostbar Manufaktur über mehrere Stundne eingeweicht und angekeimt. Danach werden sie für 24 Stunden bei maximal 42° C getrocknet. Durch das Ankeimen wird die in den Mandeln vorhandene Phytinsäure neutralisiert und die Nährstoffdichte deutlich erhöht. Zudem können die Mandeln besser verdaut werden, was auch die Nährstoffaufnahme verbessert. Eine Analyse des Magnesium- und Kalzium-Gehalts von rohen und angekeimten Mandeln zeigt deutliche Unterschiede:      Magnesium mg/kg  Kalzium mg/kg  Mandeln nicht angekeimt  1140  1430  Mandeln angekeimt*  2470  3320 *Messung durch Wessling Group AG im Auftrag von Naturkostbar. Verwendung Mandeln angekeimt Die angekeimten Mandeln eignen sich wie normale Mandeln als Snack pur oder mit Trockenfrüchten und Kakaosplitter zu Studentenfutter gemischt. Zusatzinformationen Inhalt: Beutel mit 250g. Achtung: Kann Schalenteile enthalten. Herkunft und Herstellung: Bio Mandeln aus Spanien, angekeimt in der Naturkostbar Manufaktur in Uetendorf bei Thun. Bio-Zertifikat: CH-BIO-086 Nährwerte angekeimte Mandeln Nährwerte Øpro 100g/100ml%11 Referenzmenge für einen durchschnittlichen Erwachsenen (8400kJ/2000kcal) Energie 2508kJ (607kcal) 30% Fett 53g 76% davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 5.08g 25% davon einfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren 36g 240% davon mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren 11.9g - Kohlenhydrate 3.9g 2% davon Zucker 3.5g 4% Ballaststoffe 12.6g 25% Eiweiss 22.3g 45% Salz 0.03g 1% B-Carotin (Provitamin A) - - Vitamin A - - Vitamin B1 0.3mg 27% Vitamin B2 0.4mg 29% Vitamin B3 4.2mg 26% Vitamin B6 0.1mg 7% Vitamin B12 - - Vitamin C - - Vitamin D - - Vitamin E 12mg 100% Vitamin K - - Biotin 10µg 20% Calcium 270mg 34% Chlorid 40mg 5% Chrom - - Eisen 4.8mg 34% Fluorid - - Folsäure/Folacin 48µg 24% Jod 2µg 1% Kalium 760mg 38% Kupfer - - Magnesium 240mg 64% Mangan - - Molybdän - - Pantothensäure 0.5mg 8% Phosphor 510mg 73% Selen - - Zink 6mg 60%

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 5.70* / 100 Gramm)

From CHF 14.25*
Haselnüsse Piemont angekeimt Naturkostbar Bio
Haselnüsse angekeimt Bio - doppelter Gehalt an Magnesium und Kalzium Die Bio Haselnüsse aus dem Piemont werden in der Naturkostbar Manufaktur über mehrere Stunden eingeweicht und angekeimt. Danach werden sie für 24 Stunden bei maximal 42° C getrocknet. Durch das Ankeimen wird die in den Haselnüssen vorhandene Phytinsäure neutralisiert und die Nährstoffdichte deutlich erhöht. Zudem können die Haselnüsse besser verdaut werden, was auch die Nährstoffaufnahme verbessert. Verwendung Haselnüsse angekeimt Die angekeimten Haselnüsse eignen sich wie normale Haselnüsse als Snack pur oder mit Trockenfrüchten und Kakaobohnen zu einem leckeren Studentenfutter gemischt. Zusatzinformationen Inhalt: Beutel mit 250g. Achtung: Kann Schalenteile enthalten. Herkunft und Herstellung: Bio Haselnüsse aus dem Piemont (Italien), angekeimt in der Naturkostbar Manufaktur in Uetendorf bei Thun. Bio-Zertifikat: CH-BIO-086 Nährwerte angekeimte Haselnüsse Nährwerte Øpro 100g/100ml%11 Referenzmenge für einen durchschnittlichen Erwachsenen (8400kJ/2000kcal) Energie 2650kJ (643kcal) 32% Fett 59.5g 85% davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 4.2g 21% davon einfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren 46.6g 311% davon mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren 6.5g - Kohlenhydrate 6.9g 3% davon Zucker 4.3g 5% Ballaststoffe 9.7g 19% Eiweiss 15.2g 30% Salz 0.01g 0% B-Carotin (Provitamin A) - - Vitamin A - - Vitamin B1 0.27mg 25% Vitamin B2 0.1mg 7% Vitamin B3 1.3mg 8% Vitamin B6 0.5mg 36% Vitamin B12 - - Vitamin C - - Vitamin D - - Vitamin E 27mg 225% Vitamin K - - Biotin - - Calcium 160mg 20% Chlorid 11mg 1% Chrom - - Eisen 3.6mg 26% Fluorid - - Folsäure/Folacin 41µg 21% Jod 6.5µg 4% Kalium 720mg 36% Kupfer - - Magnesium 160mg 43% Mangan - - Molybdän - - Pantothensäure 1.2mg 20% Phosphor 320mg 46% Selen - - Zink 2.9mg 29%  

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 7.56* / 100 Gramm)

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