Sunflower Lecithin powder Organic

Product information "Sunflower Lecithin powder Organic"

Organic sunflower lecithin powder - contains the natural total lecithin complex

SamaraNatura Sunflower Lecithin Powder

Our organic sunflower lecithin powder is versatile as a natural emulsifier. Due to its unique structure, it effectively combines fat and water. Sunflower lecithin contains the natural total lecithin complex (mixture of different phospholipids) from the sunflower seeds. Phospholipids are, among other things, components of cell membranes and play an important role in our entire metabolism.

The yellow sunflower lecithin is tasteless and free of gluten and carriers. In addition, it is generally GM-free because no genetic engineering is used in sunflower cultivation (in contrast to soy cultivation).

Manufacture and origin

The organic sunflower seeds are mechanically pressed to produce the oil. The lecithin is then isolated from the oil by CO2 extraction. The result is a powdered, de-oiled pure lecithin. This process completely dispenses with the use of solvents.

Our sunflower lecithin powder is produced in China, as the world's only CO2 deoiling system is located there.

How to use sunflower lecithin

The sunflower lecithin has a pleasant taste and is suitable as a food additive for smoothies and muesli as well as an emulsifier.

Sprinkle 1 heaping tablespoon (approx. 10g) over the muesli or add to smoothies or nut milk. Suitable for chocolate production. Can also be eaten straight.

The sunflower lecithin should be protected from light and moisture (always close the bag well) and stored at room temperature.



Allergic reaction

Although it is basically allergen-free, we have received the information from a customer who has a strong allergic reaction to sunflower seeds that he also has allergic reactions to sunflower lecithin. We therefore recommend consumers who are allergic to sunflower seeds to dose the sunflower lecithin carefully or to do without it altogether. Possible alternatives would be soy lecithin or almond puree, which also contains lecithin.

Packaging sizes

Bag of 200g powder.

Best before date

The current batch has best before date September 30th, 2024.

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18 June 2018 16:03

Neutraler Geschmack

Endlich einmal ein Sonnenblumenlecithin, welches Geschmacksneutral ist.

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Lucuma Powder Organic
Weight : 250g
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Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 6.84* / 100 Gramm)

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Weight : 250g
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Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 5.24* / 100 Gramm)

From CHF 13.11*
Carob powder organic
Weight : 250g
Carob powder - made from the pods of the carob tree Update: Sale of the current 250g batch with a best-before date of 06/30/2023 with a 50% discount (CHF 4.60-. instead of 9.20). The carob powder can still be used and enjoyed for several months afterwards. The 500g bags (select on the right) are already from the new batch with best before 01/31/2024. Carob is a legume that grows on the carob tree, a wild, evergreen tree native to the Mediterranean, and has been used as a sweetener and nutritious natural snack for thousands of years. Carob was well known to the ancient Greeks, and they spread the seeds of this plant in Greece and Italy. Carob is naturally sweet and fewer sweeteners are required when used in recipes. It has a low glycemic index, is low in fat and extremely nutritious, high in calcium, protein and fiber. Benefits of carob powder Little familiar to Carob thinks it's a healthy version of (high sugar and high fat) chocolate, but it's so much more. We like to mix carob with raw cocoa for a sweet and healthy treat, because cocoa has a lot of magnesium and, compared to cocoa, carob contains three times as much calcium, a third fewer calories and only 1% fat. SamaraNatura organic carob powder Our organic carob powder from Spain is gently heated and ground to dry in order to preserve taste, color and nutrients. Due to the drying process of well over 42° C, it is no longer raw food. Due to the different needs, we offer carob powder in 2 sizes: 250g and 500g. This can be selected at the top right under "Weight". How to use Use carob powder to sweeten dishes, in desserts, smoothies, sprinkled on your muesli, as an ingredient in raw chocolate and cakes as well as in quick and nutritious snacks. Tip: Hemp protein squares with carob and goji berries. You can find the recipe under Nutritional values ​​carob powder per 100g Energy value 1271kJ/303kcalFat 0.3gof which saturated fatty acids 0.1gCarbohydrates 52.8gof which sugar 47.1gFiber 41.3gProtein 4.8gSalt 0.0gCalcium 358 mg (45% *),Iron 3mg (21% *),Magnesium 56mg (15% *).* the recommended daily dose.All information is subject to the usual fluctuations for natural products.

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 3.50* / 100 Gramm)

From CHF 8.74*
Yellow Maca powder Organic
Weight : 500g
Maca - Ancient Superfood from the Andes The root vegetable has been a staple food of the indigenous peoples of the Andes for thousands of years and is an excellent source of energy and stamina.Its content of bioavailable protein is about 11% in the dried root.For legal reasons (Swiss Food Ordinance), as a food retailer we are not allowed to make any statements about possible effects. Do your own research on Maca on the Internet. Among others, we find the site of Dr. Schweikart very informative. The different varieties are also described there. Currently, our assortment includes, in addition to the yellow Maca described here, also the red and black Maca, of course also in organic and raw food quality. In addition, we carry Bio Maca Max, a more digestible variety, in which the starch contained in the Maca powder is converted by heating, so that it is easier to digest and absorb. Why we love Maca Maca increases our energy levels. Maca makes us feel full of energy, grounded and cheerful.Plus, Maca has a pleasant, malty flavor and can be used in many different ways. SamaraNatura Maca Powder yellow Our pure, yellow, Maca powder is made from 100% natural Maca roots from controlled organic cultivation, produced under strict production standards and quality controls. They all come from altitudes above 4000 meters above sea level in the Junín region of Peru.Our suppliers work together with small farmers. In doing so, they create jobs for the regional population and advise the small entrepreneurs by providing training and financial support. This is a means of raising the standard of living of small farmers while increasing their crop yields. How to use Maca Powder Maca has a unique flavor and can be added to many different dishes. Some people find the taste of maca powder somewhat reminiscent of caramel with an upbeat note. Maca powder can be stirred into rice, nut or hemp milk, for example, or simply mixed into muesli. Mix Maca powder with water, milk of your choice or add it to juice, smoothie, muesli or raw desserts. Maca is also a good binder for soups and therefore a delicious addition to them. We especially like maca with oatmeal and as an ingredient in our raw chocolate recipes.It is advisable to start with a small amount of ½ tsp per day and increase up to 1-2 tbsp per day. Unlike soy products, Mexican yam and flaxseed, maca does not contain hormones.Note: A common misconception about superfoods and herbs is that there is a standard usage amount. In general, the usual recommended daily intake for most superfoods, like maca, is between 1 tsp and 3 tbsp per day, divided into two or three doses. It is best to start with 1 tsp per day and adjust the amount to your personal needs. Nutritional values Maca powder yellow per 100g Energy value 1380kJ/327kcalFat 2gCarbohydrates 61g,of which sugar/dont sucres 32gDietary fiber 18gProtein 12g.All data are subject to the usual variations in natural products.

Content: 500 Gramm (CHF 5.99* / 100 Gramm)

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