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Sunflower Oil High Oleic Organic Soyana

Product information "Sunflower Oil High Oleic Organic Soyana"

Cold-pressed high-oleic organic sunflower oil from Soyana

This certified organic high-oleic sunflower oil comes from specially cultivated sunflowers. It contains approx. 75% monounsaturated fatty acids and is therefore particularly suitable for heating and frying.

Normal sunflower oil, on the other hand, contains only approx. 23% monounsaturated (omega-9 fatty acids), but around 60% polyunsaturated fatty acids. Safflower oil, tree nut oil, pumpkin seed oil and linseed oil also have a high proportion (>50%) of polyunsaturated fatty acids, so-called MUFS. These are essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which the body needs to produce important endogenous substances. Essential means that our body cannot produce these fatty acids itself, which is why we need to consume 19g per day through our diet. The oils mentioned are basically healthy as long as they are not heated. This is because the MUFAs break down and toxic degradation products and free radicals are formed. Therefore, use high-oleic oils (also known as HO or HOLL), coconut oil (contains many saturated fatty acids) or frying butter for frying.

You can find a somewhat older but clear article in the Ktipp of 8 September 2009.

Production and origin

Sunflower oil is produced in Italy. The pressed sunflower seeds come from the European Union.

Nutritional values of High-Oleic Organic Sunflower Oil per 100ml

Energy values 3700 kJ / 900 kcal
Fat 100g
of which saturated fatty acids 7g
monounsaturated fatty acids 75g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 13g
Carbohydrates 0g
Sugar 0g
Protein 0g
Salt 0g
Vitamin E approx. 50mg

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Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 2.62* / 100 Gramm)

From CHF 6.56*

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Sunflower Lecithin powder Organic
Weight : 200g
Organic sunflower lecithin powder - contains the natural lecithin complex What makes our sunflower lecithin powder special? Our organic sunflower lecithin powder is a versatile natural emulsifier. Due to its unique structure, it effectively combines fat and water. Sunflower lecithin contains the natural lecithin complex (mixture of various phospholipids) from sunflower seeds. Phospholipids are components of cell membranes, among other things, and play an important role in our entire metabolism. The yellow sunflower lecithin has a neutral flavour and is free from gluten and carriers. It is also generally GMO-free, as no genetic engineering is used in sunflower cultivation (in contrast to soya cultivation). Where and how is our sunflower lecithin powder produced? Our sunflower lecithin powder is produced in China, where the world's only CO2 de-oiling plant is located. The organic sunflower seeds are mechanically pressed to extract the oil. The lecithin is then isolated from the oil by CO2 extraction. The result is a powdered, de-oiled pure lecithin. This process completely dispenses with the use of solvents. How to use sunflower lecithin powder? Sunflower lecithin has a pleasant flavour and is suitable as a food additive for smoothies and muesli as well as an emulsifier. Sprinkle 1 heaped tablespoon (approx. 10g) over muesli or add to smoothies and nut milks. Suitable for chocolate production and for making glacé (ice cream). Can also be eaten on its own. Sunflower lecithin should be stored at room temperature, protected from light and moisture (always seal the bag tightly). Labelling 100% EMULSIFIER ORGANIC SUNFLOWER LECITHIN (E322). Allergic reactions Although it is basically allergen-free, we have received information from a customer who is highly allergic to sunflower seeds that he also has allergic reactions to sunflower lecithin. We therefore recommend that consumers who are allergic to sunflower seeds use sunflower lecithin with caution or avoid it altogether. Possible alternatives would be soya lecithin or almond butter, which also contains lecithin. Uses Sunflower lecithin can be used both as a food supplement and as an emulsifier for drinks. We recommend 1 heaped tablespoon (approx. 10g) as a guide for a smoothie or as an addition to muesli.For the production of almond drink, we recommend 25-40 grams of sunflower lecithin per litre. Packaging sizes Bag with 200g powder. Best before date The current batch has a best before date of 31.12.2025. Nutritional values of sunflower lecithin powder per 100g Energy value 3150kJ/750kcalFat 91gof which saturated fatty acids 11gof which monounsaturated fatty acids 9gof which polyunsaturated fatty acids 30gCarbohydrates 8gthereof sugar 3gProtein <0.3gSalt 0.0g

Content: 200 Gramm (CHF 14.73* / 100 Gramm)

From CHF 29.45*
Sonnenblumen Sprossen Keimsaat BIO
Sonnenblumen-Sprossen Keimsaat: Leckere Vielfalt für deine Rohkostküche Sonnenblumen-Sprossen sind gekeimte Sonnenblumenkerne. Sie sind eiweissreich und enthalten viele Mineralien wie Eisen, Kalzium und Magnesium, die für unsere Gesundheit essentiell sind. Sie bieten eine einzigartige Kombination aus Geschmack und Nährstoffen. Warum Sonnenblumen-Sprossen konsumieren? Hervorragender Nährstoffgehalt: Sonnenblumen-Sprossen Keimsaat steckt voller essentieller Nährstoffe wie Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Folsäure, Eisen und Protein. Dieses Superfood bietet eine Fülle von Nährstoffen, die dich auf natürliche Weise stärken und dein Wohlbefinden unterstützen. Leicht verdaulich: Die Sprossen sind leicht verdaulich, was bedeutet, dass dein Körper die Nährstoffe effizient aufnehmen kann. Dies macht sie zu einer idealen Ergänzung für eine ausgewogene Ernährung. Köstlicher Geschmack: Die mild-nussigen Aromen der Sonnenblumen-Sprossen verleihen deinen Salaten, Sandwiches, Wraps und Smoothies eine köstliche Note. Sie fügen auch Suppen und warmen Gerichten eine angenehme Textur hinzu. Rohkost-Qualität: Unsere Sonnenblumen-Sprossen Keimsaat wird sorgfältig angebaut und verarbeitet, um sicherzustellen, dass sie ihre wertvollen Enzyme und Nährstoffe in ihrer Rohkost-Qualität bewahrt. Wie Sonnenblumen-Sprossen verwenden? Salate und Wraps: Streue eine Handvoll frischer Sonnenblumen-Sprossen auf deine Salate oder fülle sie in Wraps für eine knusprige und nahrhafte Note. Smoothies: Gib eine Handvoll Sprossen in deinen Lieblingssmoothie, um ihn mit einem gesunden Schub an Nährstoffen zu bereichern. Brotbelag: Verwende die Sprossen als gesunden Belag für dein Frühstücksbrot oder Sandwich. Suppen und Eintöpfe: Kurz vor dem Servieren hinzufügen, um die Suppen mit frischem Geschmack und wertvollen Nährstoffen aufzuwerten. Wie Sonnenblumen-Sprossen ziehen? 10 Stunden einweichen morgens und abends spülen 7 Tage keimen lassen Vitamine je 100g: InhaltsstoffWertEinheitVitamin E Aktiv. 38.84 mg Folsäure 121 µg Vitamin B1 1.9 mg Vitamin B2 0.26 mg Vitamin B6 1.27 mg Vitamin C 0 mg a-Tocopherol 37.2 mg Vitamin K 0 µg Biotin 56 µg Retinoläquivalent 3 µg ß-Carotin 15 µg freie Folsäure 50 µg Herkunftsland: Italien

Content: 350 Gramm (CHF 2.43* / 100 Gramm)

CHF 8.50*
Walnut oil organic
Kaltgepresstes Bio Rapsöl von Naturkostbar Das nährstoffreiche Öl aus der schönen, gelben Sommersaat schmeckt hervorragend zu Salaten und Gemüse. Raps, die wichtigste und malerischste Ölsaat der Schweiz, lässt im Frühling weitläufige Felder in sattem Sonnengelb erstrahlen. Das wertvolle Naturkostbar-Rapsöl gewinnen wir aus biologisch angebautem Raps aus der Schweiz. Wir verarbeiten die wertvollen Rapssamen in unserer Manufaktur in Uetendorf. Unsere wassergekühlte Ölmühle sorgt dafür, dass bei der Pressung kein Wärmestau entsteht und die Temperatur des Öls immer unter 37°C bleibt. Das ungefilterte Öl lassen wir anschliessend sedimentieren. So entsteht ein besonders hochwertiges, kaltgepresstes Öl, reich an Omega-Fettsäuren und Linolensäure, mit optimalem Verhältnis von Omega-3 zu Omega-6-Fettsäuren. Dieses Rapsöl ist 100% pur und enthält keine anderen Öle. Wie kann Rapsnöl am besten verwendet werden Ob Blattsalate, Marinaden, Gemüsegerichte oder Dips: Rapsöl verfeinert mit seinem saatig-nussigen Geschmack nahezu jedes Gericht und zaubert daraus ein einzigartiges Geschmackserlebnis. Unser Rapsöl können Sie auch zum schonenden Braten bei maximal 130 Grad verwenden. Aufgrund seines wertvollen Fettsäurespektrums ist das edle Öl für eine ausgewogene Versorgung mit wichtigen Nährstoffen und für die Ernährung von Kindern geeignet.. Wir empfehlen es nach dem erstmaligen Öffnen im Kühlschrank aufzubewahren. Aprikosenkernöl eignet sich ebenfalls gut für die Hautpflege, sei es als wohlriechendes Massageöl oder als beruhigendes Aftersun-Öl. Es zieht langsam in die Haut ein und stärkt die Hautelastizität. Zusatzinformationen Zutaten: 100% Schweizer Bio Rapsöl Bio-Zertifikat: CH-BIO-086 Allergene: Aprikosenkerne Nährwerte Schweizer Bio Rapsöl Sein ausgewogenes Fettsäuremuster macht Rapsöl zu einem besonders hochwertigen Produkt. Es weist ein optimales Verhältnis von Omega-3 zu Omega-6 Fettsäuren von 1:2 auf und liefert überdies reichlich Omega-9 Fettsäuren. Ungesättigte Fettsäuren können von unserem Organismus nicht selbst synthetisiert werden, sind aber für unseren Stoffwechsel von besonderer Bedeutung. So helfen sie bei der Zellregenerierung, der Bildung von Hormonen und unterstützten unser Immunsystem sogar bei der Abwehr schädlicher Eindringlinge.Das Öl enthält viele weitere wertvolle Vital-und Nährstoffe wie Beta-Karotin, Vitamin K und Vitamin E. Sein hoher Gehalt an Vitamin A kann die Erhaltung eines normalen Eisenstoffwechsels unterstützen und ist massgeblich an der Zellteilung und der Entwicklung des Embryos beteiligt.Nährwerte Øpro 100g/100ml%11 Referenzmenge für einen durchschnittlichen Erwachsenen (8400kJ/2000kcal)Energie3400kJ (830kcal)40%Fett92g131%davon gesättigte Fettsäuren7g35%davon einfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren60g400%davon mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren25g-Kohlenhydrate--davon Zucker--Ballaststoffe--Eiweiss--Salz--B-Carotin (Provitamin A)--Vitamin A550µg69%Vitamin B1--Vitamin B2--Vitamin B3--Vitamin B6--Vitamin B12--Vitamin C--Vitamin D--Vitamin E22.8mg190%Vitamin K150µg200%Biotin--Calcium--Chlorid--Chrom--Eisen--Fluorid--Folsäure/Folacin--Jod--Kalium--Kupfer--Magnesium--Mangan--Molybdän--Pantothensäure--Phosphor--Selen--Zink--

Content: 250 ml (CHF 4.75* / 100 ml)

From CHF 11.88*

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Coconut oil organic
Weight : 500ml
Cocnut Oil - Healthy Allround-Product Update from November 15th, 2022: The new batch of our coconut oil is now available. On the right side you can choose the variants 500ml or 1000ml. Why buy organic coconut oil? Naturally aromatic taste Use in the kitchen and for personal hygiene High heat stability For weight loss support The digestible coconut oil with its naturally fragrant, mildly aromatic taste is a must for us in the kitchen! A big advantage of coconut fat in contrast to other oils is that it is very heat-stable. It is therefore ideal for cooking, frying and baking. And it also has a long shelf life. Coconut oil does not make you fat and is even said to help you lose weight, as it is immediately converted into energy by the body. The special saturated fatty acids of coconut (so-called MCT fats) - and here in particular the high content of lauric acid - are of great nutritional and physiological benefit. Breast milk also consists largely of these medium-chain fatty acids, which do not contain any cholesterol themselves, but promote the production of healthy, vascular-protecting HDL cholesterol. Coconut oil also has valuable properties for cosmetics. Coconut oil cares for skin and hair and provides moisture, promotes well-being, a beautiful appearance and a vital radiance. This is also known in Asia, where coconut oil has been used as a rich source of food, beauty and care products for centuries. What makes our coconut oil special? Extraction from fresh fruit meat Organic certification Gentle processing Coconut palms are ancient crops and have been grown for at least 3000 years. When it comes to coconut oil, it is particularly important to pay attention to the quality of the product, because many of the coconut fats available on the market are industrially hardened and deodorized. For our virgin coconut oil, the pulp of freshly harvested organic coconuts is gently dried for one to two days and then cold-pressed. The result is coconut oil with a subtle coconut taste. The coconut oil is certified organic, unbleached, not deodorized and without any additives. The unhardened, unrefined "Virgin Coconut Oil" convinces with its excellent properties and particularly high content of valuable lauric acid. Both sizes (500ml and 1 liter) are filled into a practical, reclosable white glass. This can later be used as a storage jar for powder, nuts and much more. Where does our coconut oil come from? The current batch is from the Philippines. Tips for use: In the kitchen and for personal care You can use the oil, which has a firm consistency in the refrigerator, for example as a butter substitute, spread or for salad dressing. However, due to its fatty acid structure, it can also be used for frying at high temperatures and gives sauces, Asian dishes and other dishes a subtle exotic note. Very tasty in desserts and homemade chocolates. Insider tip: pour a teaspoon of warm coconut oil over ice cream. Applied as a hair care or hair treatment, it makes brittle hair supple and shiny. To do this, massage coconut oil into dry hair, leave it on for 10-15 minutes, then wash the hair with a mild shampoo. Coconut oil has a firm consistency at room temperature and begins to melt and turn into oil at around 25 degrees. Nutritional values ​​coconut oil per 100g Energy value 3688 kJ / 896 kcalFat 99.8g- of which saturated fatty acids: 94.5gCarbohydrates 0g- of which sugar 0gDietary fiber 0gProtein 0.6gSalt 0g  

Content: 500 ml (CHF 3.04* / 100 ml)

Variants from CHF 12.16*
From CHF 15.20*

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Almond Butter Organic Soyana
Organic almond puree (almond paste) from Soyana in raw food quality Update: The Soyana almond puree from Italy is available again as normal and the 1kg versionof Naturkostbar's white almond puree remains in the range. Urs Hochstrasser, Swiss raw food pioneer, co-developed this white organic almond puree and has been using it in his raw food gourmet cuisine for over 20 years. Almond puree is sometimes also known as almond butter or almond butter. Properties of Soyana organic almond puree White almond purees are usually made from blanched almonds. The brown skin of the almond can be easily removed by briefly cooking it in boiling water. Soyana almond puree is one of the few in raw food quality and is never heated above 40° during production. Only selected organic Sicilian almonds are used for production. You can find out why this raw food almond puree is a blessing for us all in the YouTube video from Welt der Gesundheit with Urs Hochstrasser from 21.07.2022. Why eat almond puree? Almond puree is very nutritious, has a delicious almond flavour and a slightly sweet note. Due to its creamy consistency, it is not only suitable for smoothies & co. but can also be enjoyed as a snack. Almond puree contains lecithin (even more than eggs) and enables the emulsification (mixing) of fats and water. This is very important for the airy consistency of smoothies and sauces. Recommendations for use The almond puree is suitable in vegan cuisine instead of Dairy products for milkshakes, smoothies and soups Eggs for sauces, creams and desserts of all kinds (e.g. with carob powder). as well as for spreads. Tip 1: Mix3 tablespoons of almond puree with 5 litres of water to make a nutritious almond milk in no time at all. If you like it sweet, apple syrup, agave syrup and yacon syrup as well as carob powder are suitable for sweetening. Tip 2: Vegan royal sauce according to Urs Hochastrasser. Place 2-3 tablespoons of almond puree with the juice of a lemon and an orange and 1 litre of water in an open blender. Then, with the blender running, slowly pour in 2.5dl apricot kernel oil and 1dl water in between. You can experiment with the quantities of oil and water. The more oil, the firmer the consistency. Finally, season to taste. The royal sauce can be stored in the fridge for 1 week. Good best-before date We regularly order new batches from Soyana, which is why the best-before date of the almond puree is usually between 9 and 12 months. It is therefore worth ordering at least 3 pieces, as we then offer a 5% quantity discount and free postage (from an order value of CHF 100). Nutritional values of organic almond puree per 100g Energy 2582 kJ / 625 kcalTotal fat 55.6g, of which - of which saturated fatty acids 4.2g - of which monounsaturated fatty acids 39g - of which polyunsaturated fatty acids 10.8g - of which cholesterol 0gCarbohydrates 5.2g, - of which sugar 4.9gDietary fibre 10.4gProtein 20.8gWater 4.5g Calcium 249mg (31% *of the recommended daily intake)Iron 3.96mg (28% *)Sodium 16.8mgPhosphorus 498mg (71% *)Magnesium 198mg (53% *)Potassium 813mg (40% *) VitaminsA 18.1µgE 24.7mg (205% *)B1 0.21mg (19% *)B2 0.53mg (37% *)Niacin (PP or B3) 3.1mg (19% *) Nutritional information comes from the Soyana homepage. Organic certificates Link Easy-Cert organic company information

Content: 1000 Gramm (CHF 3.79* / 100 Gramm)

From CHF 37.91*

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Soyana Nama-BioTamari (unpasteurised soy sauce)
Soyana Nama Organic Tamari - the best soy sauce in Switzerland Unpasteurised organic tamari from Soyana. In the production of this tamari, the soya beans are cooked and then fermented for 2 years in wooden barrels. Nama means highest quality according to traditional Japanese production methods. During fermentation, nutrients are released and probiotic bacteria beneficial to the intestinal flora are formed; each gram contains several million bacteria. The usual pasteurisation process is not used. Use of Nama Organic Tamari Soya Sauce For sauces, salads, soups, sushi, dips. Storage Keep cool or store opened bottle in the refrigerator. Nutritional values Nama Organic Tamari Soy Sauce Soyana per 100g Energy 337kJ / 79kcalFat 0gCarbohydrates 5.6g- of which sugar 0.1gDietary fibre 1.1gProtein 13.7gSalt 11.2g Additional information ✓ Macrobiotic ✓ Organic ✓ Raw food ✓ vegan ✓ Kosher ✓ lactose-free ✓ gluten free ✓ cholesterol-free ✓ free from onions, garlic, leek Allergens: soya

Content: 350 ml (CHF 2.69* / 100 ml)

From CHF 9.41*
Soyana Nama-Organic-Barley-Miso
Soyana Nama-Bio Gersten-Miso 250g - unpasteurisiert Unpasteurisiertes Bio Gersten-Miso von Soyana. Nama bedeutet höchste Qualität nach tradionellen japanischen Herstellungsmethoden. Bei der Herstellung dieses Miso werden die Sojabohnen gekocht und anschliessend 2 Jahre in Holzfässern fermentiert. Bei der Vergärung werden Nährstoffe freigesetzt und für die Darmflora förderliche, probiotische Bakterien gebildet, je Gramm enthält es mehrere Millionen Bakterien. Zudem enthält es sehr viele Enzyme, die für die Verdauung förderlich sind. Auf die übliche Konservierung durch Pasteurisierung wird verzichtet. 250 g reichen für ca. 41 Portionen à 6 g/1 TL. Zutaten Gerstenkörner*, ganze Soyabohnen*, Bergquellwasser, Koji (Aspergillus oryzae), Meersalz.  *aus kontrolliertem BioAnbau. Verwendung Nama Bio Gersten-Miso Für Saucen, Salate, Suppen, grüne Shakes, Sushi, Dipps und Brotaufstrich.  Tipp: Espressolöffel Miso in ein grünes Salatblatt einrollen und die Geschmacksentfaltung im Mund genissen. Nährwerte Bio Gersten-Miso pro 100g Energie: 598kj / 143kcalFett: 5g,davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 1gKohlenhydrate 9.1g,davon Zucker 4.8gBallaststoffe 6.7gEiweiss 12.7gSalz 10.37g. Enthält Gluten. Cholesterin frei. Allergene: Soya, Gerste.

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 3.31* / 100 Gramm)

From CHF 8.27*

Average rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars

Almond butter brown Naturkostbar organic
Brown organic almond butter Naturkostbar carefully produces the organic almond butter (also known as almond butter or almond puree) in raw food quality. We usually have 2 sizes in our range: 200g (standard version) and 550g. To change the size, please adjust the "Weight Variants" on the right-hand side. The unpeeled organic almond kernels are ground into a smooth and creamy pulp in a gentle stone grinding process at below 38 degrees Celsius for 2 to 3 days. As a result, nutrients and the delicious aroma are optimally preserved. Why we love almond butter Almonds are not only super tasty, they also contain many polyunsaturated fatty acids, protein, minerals (magnesium, calcium and copper), vitamins E, B2 and B3 as well as thiamine and folic acid. Use The almond butter is suitable for refining vegetable dishes, salad dressings, yoghurts, desserts, ice cream, smoothies/shakes and as a delicious spread. Our tip: With 1-2 tablespoons of almond butter, 3dl of water, a few dates and a pinch of cinnamon, you can mix a delicious and nutritious almond milk in no time at all. Alternatively, you can sweeten them with agave syrup, yacon syrup or apple syrup. You can also experience pure pleasure by simply slowly enjoying a spoonful of almond butter. You can find various possible uses in our recipe collection. Origin Brown almond butter The brown almond butter is handcrafted by Naturkostbar in Uetendorf near Thun. The organic almonds (raw food quality) come from Spain. Ingredients 100% unpeeled almond kernels from controlled organic cultivation. Nutritional information Almond butter brown Nutrient Øper 100g/100ml%*1*1 Reference amount for an average adult (8400kJ/2000kcal) Energy 2508kJ (607kcal) 30% Fat 53g 76% of which saturated fatty acids 5.08g 25% of which monounsaturated fatty acids 36g 240% of which polyunsaturated fatty acids 11.9g - Carbohydrates 3.9g 2% of which sugars 3.5g 4% Fiber 12.6g 25% Protein 22.3g 45% Salt 0.03g 1% B-carotene (provitamin A) - - Vitamin A - - Vitamin B1 0.3mg 27% Vitamin B2 0.4mg 29% Vitamin B3 4.2mg 26% Vitamin B6 0.1mg 7% Vitamin B12 - - Vitamin C - - Vitamin D - - Vitamin E 12mg 100% Vitamin K - - Biotin 10µg 20% Calcium 270mg 34% Chloride 40mg 5% Chrome - - Iron 4.8mg 34% Fluoride - - Folic acid / folacin 48µg 24% Iodine 2µg 1% Potassium 760mg 38% Copper - - Magnesium 240mg 64% Manganese - - Molybdenum - - Pantothenic acid 0.5mg 8% Phosphorus 510mg 73% Selenium - - Zinc 6mg 60%

Content: 200 Gramm (CHF 5.95* / 100 Gramm)

Variants from CHF 11.31*
CHF 11.90*