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Walnut oil organic

Product information "Walnut oil organic"

Kaltgepresstes Bio Rapsöl von Naturkostbar

Das nährstoffreiche Öl aus der schönen, gelben Sommersaat schmeckt hervorragend zu Salaten und Gemüse.

Raps, die wichtigste und malerischste Ölsaat der Schweiz, lässt im Frühling weitläufige Felder in sattem Sonnengelb erstrahlen. Das wertvolle Naturkostbar-Rapsöl gewinnen wir aus biologisch angebautem Raps aus der Schweiz. Wir verarbeiten die wertvollen Rapssamen in unserer Manufaktur in Uetendorf. Unsere wassergekühlte Ölmühle sorgt dafür, dass bei der Pressung kein Wärmestau entsteht und die Temperatur des Öls immer unter 37°C bleibt. Das ungefilterte Öl lassen wir anschliessend sedimentieren. So entsteht ein besonders hochwertiges, kaltgepresstes Öl, reich an Omega-Fettsäuren und Linolensäure, mit optimalem Verhältnis von Omega-3 zu Omega-6-Fettsäuren.

Dieses Rapsöl ist 100% pur und enthält keine anderen Öle.

Wie kann Rapsnöl am besten verwendet werden

Ob Blattsalate, Marinaden, Gemüsegerichte oder Dips: Rapsöl verfeinert mit seinem saatig-nussigen Geschmack nahezu jedes Gericht und zaubert daraus ein einzigartiges Geschmackserlebnis. Unser Rapsöl können Sie auch zum schonenden Braten bei maximal 130 Grad verwenden. Aufgrund seines wertvollen Fettsäurespektrums ist das edle Öl für eine ausgewogene Versorgung mit wichtigen Nährstoffen und für die Ernährung von Kindern geeignet.. Wir empfehlen es nach dem erstmaligen Öffnen im Kühlschrank aufzubewahren.

Aprikosenkernöl eignet sich ebenfalls gut für die Hautpflege, sei es als wohlriechendes Massageöl oder als beruhigendes Aftersun-Öl. Es zieht langsam in die Haut ein und stärkt die Hautelastizität.


Zutaten: 100% Schweizer Bio Rapsöl

Bio-Zertifikat: CH-BIO-086

Allergene: Aprikosenkerne

Nährwerte Schweizer Bio Rapsöl

Sein ausgewogenes Fettsäuremuster macht Rapsöl zu einem besonders hochwertigen Produkt. Es weist ein optimales Verhältnis von Omega-3 zu Omega-6 Fettsäuren von 1:2 auf und liefert überdies reichlich Omega-9 Fettsäuren. Ungesättigte Fettsäuren können von unserem Organismus nicht selbst synthetisiert werden, sind aber für unseren Stoffwechsel von besonderer Bedeutung. So helfen sie bei der Zellregenerierung, der Bildung von Hormonen und unterstützten unser Immunsystem sogar bei der Abwehr schädlicher Eindringlinge.

Das Öl enthält viele weitere wertvolle Vital-und Nährstoffe wie Beta-Karotin, Vitamin K und Vitamin E. Sein hoher Gehalt an Vitamin A kann die Erhaltung eines normalen Eisenstoffwechsels unterstützen und ist massgeblich an der Zellteilung und der Entwicklung des Embryos beteiligt.

Nährwerte Øpro 100g/100ml%1
1 Referenzmenge für einen durchschnittlichen Erwachsenen (8400kJ/2000kcal)
Energie3400kJ (830kcal)40%
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren7g35%
davon einfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren60g400%
davon mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren25g-
davon Zucker--
B-Carotin (Provitamin A)--
Vitamin A550µg69%
Vitamin B1--
Vitamin B2--
Vitamin B3--
Vitamin B6--
Vitamin B12--
Vitamin C--
Vitamin D--
Vitamin E22.8mg190%
Vitamin K150µg200%

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Almond Butter Organic Soyana
Organic almond puree (almond paste) from Soyana in raw food quality Update: The Soyana almond puree from Italy is available again as normal and the 1kg versionof Naturkostbar's white almond puree remains in the range. Urs Hochstrasser, Swiss raw food pioneer, co-developed this white organic almond puree and has been using it in his raw food gourmet cuisine for over 20 years. Almond puree is sometimes also known as almond butter or almond butter. Properties of Soyana organic almond puree White almond purees are usually made from blanched almonds. The brown skin of the almond can be easily removed by briefly cooking it in boiling water. Soyana almond puree is one of the few in raw food quality and is never heated above 40° during production. Only selected organic Sicilian almonds are used for production. You can find out why this raw food almond puree is a blessing for us all in the YouTube video from Welt der Gesundheit with Urs Hochstrasser from 21.07.2022. Why eat almond puree? Almond puree is very nutritious, has a delicious almond flavour and a slightly sweet note. Due to its creamy consistency, it is not only suitable for smoothies & co. but can also be enjoyed as a snack. Almond puree contains lecithin (even more than eggs) and enables the emulsification (mixing) of fats and water. This is very important for the airy consistency of smoothies and sauces. Recommendations for use The almond puree is suitable in vegan cuisine instead of Dairy products for milkshakes, smoothies and soups Eggs for sauces, creams and desserts of all kinds (e.g. with carob powder). as well as for spreads. Tip 1: Mix3 tablespoons of almond puree with 5 litres of water to make a nutritious almond milk in no time at all. If you like it sweet, apple syrup, agave syrup and yacon syrup as well as carob powder are suitable for sweetening. Tip 2: Vegan royal sauce according to Urs Hochastrasser. Place 2-3 tablespoons of almond puree with the juice of a lemon and an orange and 1 litre of water in an open blender. Then, with the blender running, slowly pour in 2.5dl apricot kernel oil and 1dl water in between. You can experiment with the quantities of oil and water. The more oil, the firmer the consistency. Finally, season to taste. The royal sauce can be stored in the fridge for 1 week. Good best-before date We regularly order new batches from Soyana, which is why the best-before date of the almond puree is usually between 9 and 12 months. It is therefore worth ordering at least 3 pieces, as we then offer a 5% quantity discount and free postage (from an order value of CHF 100). Nutritional values of organic almond puree per 100g Energy 2582 kJ / 625 kcalTotal fat 55.6g, of which - of which saturated fatty acids 4.2g - of which monounsaturated fatty acids 39g - of which polyunsaturated fatty acids 10.8g - of which cholesterol 0gCarbohydrates 5.2g, - of which sugar 4.9gDietary fibre 10.4gProtein 20.8gWater 4.5g Calcium 249mg (31% *of the recommended daily intake)Iron 3.96mg (28% *)Sodium 16.8mgPhosphorus 498mg (71% *)Magnesium 198mg (53% *)Potassium 813mg (40% *) VitaminsA 18.1µgE 24.7mg (205% *)B1 0.21mg (19% *)B2 0.53mg (37% *)Niacin (PP or B3) 3.1mg (19% *) Nutritional information comes from the Soyana homepage. Organic certificates Link Easy-Cert organic company information

Content: 1000 Gramm (CHF 3.79* / 100 Gramm)

From CHF 37.91*
Cashew butter organic Naturkostbar
Bio Cashewmus von Naturkostbar in Rohkostqualität Naturkostbar stell Cashewmus in einem traditionellen, langsamen Steinmahlverfahren selber her. Die Cashewkerne werden bis zu 48 Stunden steingemahlen und ergeben dann dieses einmalige Nussmus in noch nie dagewesener samt-seidiger Konsistenz. Warum wir Cashewmus lieben Das Cashew liefert viele mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren, Mineralstoffe wie Eisen, Zink und Kalium sowie grosse Mengen der Vitamine B. In kaum einem anderen Lebensmittel ist der Anteil an der essentiellen Aminosäure Tryptophan derart hoch wie bei den Cashewnüssen. Verwendung Tipp: Geniessen Sie eine frische Cashewmilch: 1-2 Esslöffel Cashewmus auf 3dl Wasser kurz in den Mixer. Möglichkeiten zum Nachsüssen mit Agavennektar, Datteln, Honig. Schmeckt köstlich als Aufstrich mit Honig, dient als Basis für viele Rezepte, verfeinert dein Müesli, Joghurt, Salatsauce, Fruchtsalat, Glacé, Fruchtshake. Qualität: Rohkost, 48 Stunden steingemahlen bei max. 33° Grad Zutaten: 100% Cashewkerne, aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau Herkunft Rohstoffe: Vietnam Zertifizierung: CH-BIO-086 Nährwertangaben Bio Cashewmus pro 100g Energie / Nährstoff pro 100gg/mg/μg%11 Referenzmenge/Tagesdosis für einen durchschnittlichen Erwachsenen (8400kJ/2000kcal) Energie 2460kJ (593kcal) 29% Fett 45.2g 65% davon einfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren 23.8g 159% davon mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren 7.8g - davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 7.8g 39% Kohlenhydrate 26.6g 10% davon Zucker 5.9g 7% Eiweiss 18.2g 36% Salz - - Balaststoffe 3.6g 7% Vitamin A - - Vitamin C 0.5mg 1% Vitamin D - - Vitamin E 6.3mg 53% Vitamin K - - B-Carotin (Provitamin A) - - Vitamin B1 0.42mg 38% Vitamin B2 0.1mg 7% Vitamin B3 1.1mg 7% Vitamin B6 0.4mg 29% Vitamin B12 - - Magnesium 270mg 72% Kupfer - - Mangan - - Selen - - Jod 10µg 7% Folsäure/Folacin 25µg 13% Chlorid 18mg 2% Kalium 660mg 33% Biotin - - Pantothensäure 0.9mg 15% Calcium 40mg 5% Phosphor 540mg 77% Eisen 5.2mg 37% Zink 4mg 40% Molybdän - - Fluorid - - Chrom - -

Content: 200 Gramm (CHF 7.75* / 100 Gramm)

Variants from CHF 14.73*
CHF 15.50*

Average rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars

Almond butter brown Naturkostbar organic
Brown organic almond butter Naturkostbar carefully produces the organic almond butter (also known as almond butter or almond puree) in raw food quality. We usually have 2 sizes in our range: 200g (standard version) and 550g. To change the size, please adjust the "Weight Variants" on the right-hand side. The unpeeled organic almond kernels are ground into a smooth and creamy pulp in a gentle stone grinding process at below 38 degrees Celsius for 2 to 3 days. As a result, nutrients and the delicious aroma are optimally preserved. Why we love almond butter Almonds are not only super tasty, they also contain many polyunsaturated fatty acids, protein, minerals (magnesium, calcium and copper), vitamins E, B2 and B3 as well as thiamine and folic acid. Use The almond butter is suitable for refining vegetable dishes, salad dressings, yoghurts, desserts, ice cream, smoothies/shakes and as a delicious spread. Our tip: With 1-2 tablespoons of almond butter, 3dl of water, a few dates and a pinch of cinnamon, you can mix a delicious and nutritious almond milk in no time at all. Alternatively, you can sweeten them with agave syrup, yacon syrup or apple syrup. You can also experience pure pleasure by simply slowly enjoying a spoonful of almond butter. You can find various possible uses in our recipe collection. Origin Brown almond butter The brown almond butter is handcrafted by Naturkostbar in Uetendorf near Thun. The organic almonds (raw food quality) come from Spain. Ingredients 100% unpeeled almond kernels from controlled organic cultivation. Nutritional information Almond butter brown Nutrient Øper 100g/100ml%*1*1 Reference amount for an average adult (8400kJ/2000kcal) Energy 2508kJ (607kcal) 30% Fat 53g 76% of which saturated fatty acids 5.08g 25% of which monounsaturated fatty acids 36g 240% of which polyunsaturated fatty acids 11.9g - Carbohydrates 3.9g 2% of which sugars 3.5g 4% Fiber 12.6g 25% Protein 22.3g 45% Salt 0.03g 1% B-carotene (provitamin A) - - Vitamin A - - Vitamin B1 0.3mg 27% Vitamin B2 0.4mg 29% Vitamin B3 4.2mg 26% Vitamin B6 0.1mg 7% Vitamin B12 - - Vitamin C - - Vitamin D - - Vitamin E 12mg 100% Vitamin K - - Biotin 10µg 20% Calcium 270mg 34% Chloride 40mg 5% Chrome - - Iron 4.8mg 34% Fluoride - - Folic acid / folacin 48µg 24% Iodine 2µg 1% Potassium 760mg 38% Copper - - Magnesium 240mg 64% Manganese - - Molybdenum - - Pantothenic acid 0.5mg 8% Phosphorus 510mg 73% Selenium - - Zinc 6mg 60%

Content: 200 Gramm (CHF 5.95* / 100 Gramm)

Variants from CHF 11.31*
CHF 11.90*

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Organic hemp oil from Austria
Organic hemp oil - rich in valuable omega-3 fatty acids The hemp plant produces oily seeds that contain between 25 - 35% oil by weight, which is rich in essential fatty acids (EFA). EFS are fatty acids that humans cannot produce themselves and are dependent on their intake through food. Why consume hemp oil? Hemp oil is an excellent food for the supply of EFS, with linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid and the rare gamma-linolenic acid. These fatty acids are required for the production of numerous hormones and for cell renewal. Fatty acids support the functions of the human body to maintain health and contribute to the normal development and growth of the organism. Omega-3 fatty acids are incorporated into the cell membrane and are necessary for its structure and function. Omega-3 fatty acids have an influence on blood lipid regulation. They contribute to health as part of a balanced diet. Hemp oil in comparison with similar products Hemp has an optimal functional ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids for humans, which is considered to be 4:1. Hardly any other plant food source contains the essential fatty acids (EFAs) in such an ideal ratio for the human organism! Although hemp oil is more expensive than hemp seeds, the EFS in the oil are more readily available and easier for the body to metabolise. Since EFS are so important for our nutrition, since most people's bodies do not function optimally and since hemp is such a product rich in vital substances, we think it is a good idea to have both oil and seeds in your daily diet. Hemp oil for skin care The oil can also be used externally for skin care, even if the skin is in poor condition, as it is easily absorbed and moisturising. What makes our cold-pressed organic hemp oil special? Most oils sold in supermarkets are extracted at excessively high temperatures and with solvents and then refined. The oils lack the beneficial properties and contain harmful trans fatty acids as a result of the hydrogenation process. Our hemp oil is gently cold-pressed in Austria from local organic hemp seeds, filled into dark-coloured bottles, sealed and stored in a cool place to preserve the oil's impressive nutritional properties. 1 litre of hemp oil is obtained from 5kg of unpeeled hemp seeds. It has a beautiful green-yellow colour and a nutty, slightly grassy flavour. Please note that oils should be pressed at minimum heat, as the higher the temperature, the faster the oil is destroyed by light, oxygen and other chemical reactions. A change in the fatty acid molecules due to the effect of heat also impairs the nutritional value and biological value of the oil. Use of organic hemp oil in everyday life It is not suitable for frying and should only be used in its raw state. Hemp oil adds a flavourful note to salad dressings, marinades, mayonnaises, dips and spreads. It can be used instead of or together with olive, walnut and safflower oil. The intake for a person with an average build/body fat profile can be 1-3 tablespoons (up to 50ml) per day. Nutritional values of organic hemp oil per 100g Energy 3441 kJ/837 kcalFat 93gof which- saturated fatty acids 8.8g- monounsaturated fatty acids 13g- Polyunsaturated fatty acids 70gCarbohydrates 0gof which sugar 0gProtein 0gSalt 0gVitamin E 76mg (633% NRV *)Omega-3 fatty acids (α-linolenic acid) 16 g/100 ml*the recommended daily dose of 12mg according to food regulations Batch and best-before date The current batch is best before 31 May 2025.

Content: 250 ml (CHF 5.89* / 100 ml)

From CHF 14.73*

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Black Cumin Oil organic
Cold pressed organic black cumin oil from the Bernese oil mill This organic-certified black cumin oil was obtained from Egyptian seeds of the Nigella sativa and pressed under 32 degrees Celsius. Black cumin oil is a very powerful oil with a wonderful fragrance. Because of its sharpness, it is advisable to mix the black cumin oil dropwise with another cold-pressed oil (e.g. olive oil). Use: Black cumin oil is ideal for seasoning arab dishes, sauces and pestos or salad dressings. Insider tip: Also in the Müesli super delicious! Note: Cold-pressed oils (except for coconut oil) are sensitive to heat and are therefore mainly suitable for use in the cold kitchen. When strongly heated, e.g. roasted, poisonous compounds can arise. Producer: Cédric Wüthrich from the Bernese oil mill produces high-quality oils, certified according to Swiss Organic Ordinance CH-BIO-086 and in raw food quality.

Variants from CHF 23.75*
CHF 25.00*
Camelina oil organic
Organic camelina oil, cold-pressed from Swiss camelina seeds This golden yellow organic camelina oil was obtained from Swiss camelina seeds and pressed below 30 degrees Celsius. In order to maintain the raw food quality, the producer (Naturkostbar AG) uses special, cooled oil mills. Camelina oil is very rich (approx. 35%) in omega 3 fatty acids, also called alpha-linolenic acid. In contrast to linseed oil, camelina oil has a significantly longer shelf life (it becomes bitter much less quickly) and still has a high proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids. How to use of camelina oil With its wonderful taste, which is reminiscent of peas, camelina oil is ideal for flavoring vegetable dishes, salads and dip sauces. Like most cold-pressed oils, this camelina oil is sensitive to heat and is therefore mainly suitable for cold dishes. Excessive heating, e.g. roasting, can produce toxic compounds. In order to maintain the quality of the oil for as long as possible, we recommend storing the camelina oil in the refrigerator. Nutritional values ​​camelina oil per 100g Energy value 3400kJ / 830kcalFat 92gof which monounsaturated fatty acids 29gof which polyunsaturated fatty acids 53gof which saturated fatty acids 9gCarbohydrates 0gof which sugar 0gDietary fiber 0gProtein 0gSalt 0.0gVitamin E 17.5mg (146% *) * Reference amount / daily dose for an average adult (8400kJ / 2000kcal) 

CHF 9.00*
Hemp oil Swiss organic
Cold pressed Swiss organic hemp oil from the Bernese oil mill This bio-certified hemp oil was obtained from Swiss hemp seeds and pressed under 37 degrees Celsius. It is very rich in omega 3 (alpha-linolenic acid) and omega 6 (linoleic acid) fatty acids, which are also in the optimal ratio 1:3. Use: With its wonderful taste, hemp oil is ideal for the flavoring of vegetable dishes and salads. A homemade saladsauce with hemp oil is great and is doing well! Hemp oil is also suitable for application on the skin and hair, because it can have a regenerative and cell-regenerating effect. Note: Cold-pressed oils (except for coconut oil) are sensitive to heat and are therefore mainly suitable for use in the cold kitchen. When strongly heated, e.g. roasted, poisonous compounds can arise. Producer: Cédric Wüthrich from the Bernese oil mill produces high-quality oils, certified according to Swiss Organic Ordinance CH-BIO-086 and in raw food quality.

From CHF 15.39*

Average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars

Flaxseed Oil Organic
Flaxseed oil from Swiss organic flaxseed: freshly and cold-pressed and unfiltered Update: The next linseed oil pressing will take place on Monday, November 18, 2024. Please place your pre-order by Sunday evening, November 17, 2024. Shipping will take place on Wednesday, November 20, 2024 with Post Pack Priority, so delivery should take place on Thursday. You can find all other order details below. Below you will find all other order data. Flaxseed oil is one of our favorite products because: Very tasty: Freshly pressed flaxseed oil does not taste bitter at all (in the first weeks), but rather has a slight nutty taste. Organic: Producer Jakob Bachofner's brown organic flax seeds come from their own fields in Fehraltorf. Cold pressed: Due to mill water cooling, the oil temperature remains at 28-32°C throughout the pressing. Regional: Fehraltorf is only 10 km from our warehouse in Wetzikon. Home delivery is CO2 neutral with Swiss Post. Why is flaxseed oil so healthy? With approximately 50% alpha-linolenic acid/omega 3, flaxseed oil is one of the most potent suppliers of this important fatty acid. Just 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil covers the daily requirement of 2 g of alpha-linolenic acid for an adult. Omega-3 fatty acids are of great importance for our metabolism. They are important building blocks of our cell membranes, they have an anti-inflammatory effect, protect cells against premature aging and strengthen the immune system. You can find more interesting information about omega-3 fatty acids in our health guide. Use Fresh flaxseed oil is a real delight! Jakob Bachofner of the Oelerei presses flaxseed oil from organic flax seeds from his own fields in Fehraltorf freshly and with a press cooled with raw food grade water at 28-32°C - feel the difference. It is not filtered, but left in the refrigerator for 1 day so that the cloudy matter can settle. The flaxseed oil is then bottled, transported to the warehouse and shipped the same day. It is possible that very little cloudy material (it is a little darker) settles at the bottom of the bottle. It can be consumed without hesitation. Linseed oil goes perfectly with cold and lukewarm dishes such as salad, potatoes and muesli. It can also be enjoyed pure (1 tablespoon daily). Linseed oil is also suitable for external use on very dry skin. Linseed oil favorite recipes We ourselves have been enthusiastic flaxseed oil consumers for many years, which is why we are happy to list our favorite recipes for inspiration: Raw almond milk with a fresh apple and linseed oil Budwig-Crème-Müesli (based on low-fat quark and linseed oil) Golden milk with linseed oil Chia pudding with linseed oil Apple and cinnamon porridge with linseed oil Wholemeal bread with cottage cheese, linseed oil and sprouts Vegan mayonnaise with almond butter and linseed oil Potato salad with linseed oil Tomato and onion salad with basil and linseed oil Experiment: Drizzle the linseed oil and some salt over half an avocado. What is your favorite linseed oil recipe? Let us know and we'll be happy to add it to the list. Ordering process for freshly pressed flaxseed oil from Swiss flaxseed To pre-order, buy the flaxseed oil as usual online, send us an email to or give us a quick call on 044 586 27 27. On Monday morning we place our order with Jakob Bachofner from the Oelerei. He presses the flaxseed oil on Monday. Then the freshly pressed organic flaxseed oil has to rest for a day in cold storage for sedimentation (lowering of turbid matter). The bottles are filled on Wednesday morning and I immediately bring the bottles to our social logistician in Wetzikon. He sends all orders (flaxseed oil with any other items ordered) on Wednesday with Post Pack Priority (without a SFR 2 surcharge), so you should receive your order on Thursday of the same week. Freshly pressed flaxseed oil only for pre-orders Due to the sensitivity to heat and the short shelf life, we do not keep flaxseed oil in stock, but only accept pre-orders from September to June, which are then carried out once a month. In the warm months, shipping is done with cooling pads. Size variants and prices The organic flaxseed oil can be ordered in 3 different sizes: 100ml for SFR 10.- resp. from 3 pieces SFR 9.50250ml for SFR 20.- resp. from 3 pieces SFR 19.- 500ml for SFR 33.- resp. from 3 pieces SFR 31.35 Order deadlines autumn/winter/spring 2024/2025 Sunday 17.11.2024 Sunday 15.12.2024 Sunday 05.01.2025 Sunday 16.02.2025 Sunday 09.03.2025 Sunday 06.04.2025 Sunday 11.05.2025 Sunday 15.06.2025 Durability Shelf life after pressing is 3 months. Please always keep the flaxseed oil in the refrigerator, even before opening the bottle for the first time. This slows down the oxidation that occurs very quickly in flaxseed oil. Our flaxseed oil is specially packaged in dark violet Miron glass to protect it from sunlight and the associated premature oxidation. There are 2 options for extending the shelf life: Very modern refrigerators sometimes have a 0-degree zone. Stored there, the flaxseed oil can be kept for about a month longer, or you can freeze it, which extends the shelf life to 6 months. Once opened, the bottle should be consumed within 3-4 weeks. Important instructions Flaxseed oil and camelina oil are not the same. While flaxseed oil is pressed from flaxseed, camelina oil comes from camelina. Camelina oil has a longer shelf life, but at around 35% it has a lower proportion of alpha-linolenic acid/omega 3. Cold-pressed oils (except coconut oil) are heat-sensitive and are therefore mainly suitable for cold dishes. Toxic compounds can form when heated to high temperatures, e.g. when roasting. Nutritional values of organic flaxseed oil per 100g Energy 3475 kJ / 830 kcalFat 93g- of which saturated fatty acids (palmitic acid and stearic acid) 8g- monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid) 19g- polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid) 67gcarbohydrates 0gof which sugar 0gprotein 0gsalt 0g Compared to other oils, linseed oil has a very high proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Depending on the seed, it is 10-30% linoleic acid (omega-6 fatty acid) and 40-70% alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3 fatty acid), which can be converted by the body into DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). Origin Switzerland, chilled pressed by Jakob Bachofner in Fehraltorf with flaxseed from our own fields in Fehraltorf ZH. New producer with pictures After our former producer unfortunately had to go out of business, we started looking for a new solution in the summer of 2021. There were various options with high-quality producers of chilled-pressed organic oils, but in the end we found the most suitable alternative in Jakob Bachofner from the Oelerei in Fehraltorf. The main reason is the short distance of just 10 kilometers between the oil production and our warehouse in Wetzikon. This enables us to deliver the flaxseed oil to you even one day earlier/fresher - it couldn't be faster. Jakob produces high-quality oils, certified organic according to the Swiss organic regulation CH-BIO-086. Here are a few pictures of the cultivation and harvesting of the flaxseed from Fehraltorf. Flaxseed oil, Flaxseed blossoms unfold   Flax capsules in close-up The flax is ready for harvest Mowing with the disc mower Drying the flax in the sun for 2 days Thresh flax with the combine harvester The water-cooled oil mill to press linseed oil in raw food quality Jakob Bachofner in the field

Variants from CHF 9.50*
CHF 10.00*
Cedar Nut Oil organic cold-pressed
Cold pressed organic cedar nut oil - the gold of the taiga The precious amber-colored cedar oil has been used in all of Russia for centuries. The taste is pleasantly nutty.Due to the careful processing and cold pressing of organic cedar nuts from the Altai mountains in Siberia, many vital substances are preserved. Why we love cedar nut oil We use cedar oil regularly in the cold kitchen, because we love the taste and change with the oils. It contains over 26% mono-saturated fatty acids (EFS) and over 65% polyunsaturated fatty acids (MUFS). Cedar nut oil is one of the few oils that have a high vitamin E content (about 30 mg per 100 g). Vitamin E can help to protect the cells from oxidative stress. Siberian cedar nut oil Siberian cedar nut oil is generally regarded as reinforcing. In addition, in Russia various cosmetics contain cedar nut oil, because of this, for the maintenance of healthy skin beneficial properties. Use cedar nut oil The oil tastes particularly delicious for leaf or mixed salads, lightly warm dishes and raw food specialties. Take 1 teaspoon (3 ml) up to 3 times a day. Like most cold-pressed oils, the heating of the quality damages considerably. Therefore, it should be used only for cold to light warm meals. Notes: Store cool, dry and protected against light, since cedar oil is very sensitive to UV light. In particular direct sunlight should be avoided. Keep it in the refrigerator for the first time. Nutritional values ​​Cedar nut oil Nutritional Facts / Nutritional Facts per 100 g / 100 g Energy / Energy 3429 kJ (902 kcal) Fat / fat 92.5 gOf saturated / saturated 7.4 gMonounsaturated fatty acids 24.6 gPolyunsaturated fatty acids 60.5 g Carbohydrates / carbohydrates 0 gOf which sugar / sugars 0 g Protein / protein 0 gSalt / Salt 0 mgVitamin E 30.6 mg = 255% * *) Reference for an average adult (8400 kJ / 2000 kcal)

From CHF 18.05*
Olivenöl Bio Demeter SALAMITA
Olivenöl extra nativ von Sizilien  Das kaltgepresste Bio Demeter Olivenöl der höchsten Qualitätsstufe "extra nativ" stammt zu 100% aus italienischen Oliven. Es wird schonend durch mechanische Pressung hergestellt und erfüllt die höchsten Anforderungen bezüglich Geschmack und Zusammensetzung. Die sizilianischen Oliven verdanken ihren herben und intensiven Geschmack den fruchtbaren Böden und profitieren im Reifungsprozess vom mediterranen Klima und dem wärmespeichernden Lavagestein. Verwendung Dieses Olivenöl passt perfekt für würzige Salatsaucen und Dips, aber natürlich auch zum Verfeinern von Vorspeisen und Hauptgängen wie Kartoffelstock, Suppen oder Gemüse. Herkunft Sizilien (Italien) Nährwerte Olivenöl SALAMITA pro 100g Energiewert 3758 kj (899 kcal) Fett 72g - davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 16.5g Kohlenhydrate 0g - davon Zucker 0g Eiweiss 0g Salz 0g

Content: 500 ml (CHF 3.61* / 100 ml)

From CHF 18.05*