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Sour Cherries Organic

Product information "Sour Cherries Organic"

Sauerkirschen: ungeölt, Bio und Rohkost

Unsere wildgesammelten Bio Sauerkirschen aus Usbekistan sind sehr fruchtig und sehr säuerlich im Geschmack. Die leuchtende dunkle Farbe entsteht bei der produktschonenden Trocknung.

Pearls of Samarkand Sauerkirschen

  • aus Wildsammlung und daher besonders nährstoffreich im Vergleich zu Plantagenprodukte
  • 100% Natur pur, d.h. ungeölt, ohne Süssungsmittel, ohne Konservierungsstoffe, ohne Farbstoffe
  • in Bio- & Rohkost-Qualität
  • schonend Sonnen/Solargetrocknet
  • Druckentwest


Die aktuelle Charge ist in 100g Beuteln abgepackt.

Herkunft und Herstellung

Die Bio Sauerkirschen stammen ausschliesslich aus Usbekistan. Das Gebiet ist grossflächig Bio zertifiziert und wird von den dort lebenden Fairtrade Bauern bewirtschaftet. Die Bauern gehören zu einer grossen Fairtrade Gemeinschaft, welche sich aus 3 Gruppen zusammensetzt, Dustkul Bogi, Turkiston Gulba und Turob Bobo. Zu ihnen gehören rund 1000 einzelne Bauern, samt ihren Familien. Dank der Zusammenarbeit können die Bauern ihren Familien ein gesichertes Einkommen und ihren Kindern eine neue Perspektive bieten. Im Zug des Wechsels von Pearls of Samarkand zu PlantLife (Nachfolge-Marke) wurde aus administrativen Gründen auf eine Fairtrade-Zertifizierung verzichtet.

Die Sauerkirschen werden nach der Ernte gewaschen, entsteint und mit Hilfe der Sonne schonend getrocknet. Die Solartrocknungsmethode ist sehr umweltfreundlich und produktschonend.

Sauerkirschen (Prunus cerasus) gehören zur Familie der Rosengewächse (Rosaceae). Sie besitzen weniger Fruchtfleisch als Süsskirschen. Sauerkirschen stammen ursprünglich aus Südwestasien und wurden im Gegensatz zu den Süsskirschen in Europa erst im Mittelalter bekannt.

Durchschnittliche Nährwerte pro 100g

Energiewert 1031 kJ / 246 kcal
Fett 0.6g, davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 0.2g
Kohlenhydrate 51g, davon Zucker 35g
Ballaststoffe 8.3g
Eiweiss 5.3g
Salz 0.03g

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Mulberries black organic
Weight : 250g
Organic black mulberries - fruity delicious Update from June 26th, 2021: The black mulberries are now available again. Black mulberries have a beautiful and unusual intense purple-black color. They have been known throughout southern Europe from earliest times and are believed to have been introduced from Persia. She is mentioned by most of the early Greek and Roman writers. In the past, dried black mulberries - known as the king of mulberries - were served at court as a most exquisite specialty reserved only for the king, queen, and esteemed guests. Delicious and nutritious, natural dried black mulberries are a great snack. They have a wide range of important nutrients including vitamin C, iron, calcium, fiber, protein and organic compounds including phytonutrients, zea-xanthine, resveratrol, anthocyanins, lutein and various other polyphenolic compounds. One fruit that is special is its high content of protein and iron. The protein content in these super berries makes them extra nourishing and satisfying, while iron boosts energy levels through the production of oxygen-rich blood cells throughout the body. Mulberries are said to be particularly high in antioxidants, which is why they have the reputation as a perfect anti-aging fruit. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals that can damage our cells' genetic information. Why we love black mulberries Most berries on the market have added sugar and preservatives. We prefer our 100% pure, with its wonderful natural taste. Our black mulberries have a beautiful, dark color that indicates the quality and purity of the product. Blue and purple foods are very rare to find in modern diets and are so important - black mulberries make eating blue foods a real pleasure. Pearls of Samarkand Black Mulberries Our organic black mulberries are dark and sticky, but pleasantly soft and large (depending on the harvest). Their taste is sweet and sour, fruity and very aromatic. They come exclusively from Uzbekistan and are grown by the local farmers who belong to a large community of 1000 farmers and their families. Our mulberries are harvested by hand when the berries are fully ripe. This ensures the highest nutritional value and freshness. After harvesting, they are carefully washed and gently dried using solar energy. The drying process is very environmentally friendly, using a solar drying method that has minimal impact on the product. Our organic mulberries are 100% natural, carefully processed and dried and contain no preservatives, colorings, sweeteners or other unnatural additives. How to use black mulberries Thanks to their intense sweet and sour taste, they are a treat in themselves. Also perfect as an addition to muesli, smoothies and as a dessert topping. They are a good alternative to dates or raisins or other dried fruits suitable for sweetening. They go really well in yogurt (even vegan coconut yogurt) and honey. A real treat! Nutritional values ​​Black mulberries per 100g Energy value 1310kJ/310kcalprotein 6.6 gcarbohydrates 59 gof which sugar 52 gFat 3.4gof which saturated fatty acids 1.1gdietary fiber 7.2gAll information is subject to the usual fluctuations in natural products. Storage: Store in a cool, dry and dark place.

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 7.41* / 100 Gramm)

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Black Bukhara Raisins Organic
Weight : 250g
Black Bukhara Raisins Organic Organic Fairtrade Black Bukhara raisins, dried are particularly beautiful, matt, glossy, black, large raisins. The flesh is soft, intensely sweet and fruity, contains no seeds and the skin is strong. Origin This raisin owes its name to the city of Bukhara, one of the most important cities in Uzbekistan, which with its numerous buildings is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city was an important center of the Persian Empire and an important traffic junction on the southern Silk Road. How to use As a snack in between. Add to salads, muesli and yoghurt or combine with other dried fruits, nuts or cocoa chips.Warning: May contain traces of nuts Nutritional values Black Bukhara Raisins Organic per 100g Energy value 1262kJ / 298kcalFat 0.6g- of which saturated 0.2gCarbohydrates 68g- of which sugar 63gDietary fiber 3.7gProtein 2.5gSalt 0.05g

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 6.27* / 100 Gramm)

From CHF 15.68*

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Coconut chips Organic
Organic Coconut Chips - Caribbean snacks Coconut palms are ancient crops and have been cultivated for at least 3000 years. The coconut is one of those complete foods that humans could eat on their own for weeks without suffering from shortages! In tropical countries it is used as a substitute for breast milk. In addition to valuable protein, dietary fibers and numerous minerals and vitamins, the coconut provides fructose as brain food and healthy fats. The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut (so-called MCT fats) are of great nutritional benefit. Why we love coconut chips The coconut with its wonderful aroma has become an indispensable part of our kitchen and many pastries. Coconut chips are a nutritious, delicious, exotic snack for everyone and every situation: a healthy snack for children, a brain food for intellectual activities, a healthy, quick meal in the office or on the go and an energy-rich food for athletes. SamaraNatura organic coconut chips Our coconut chips in raw food quality are crispy and particularly aromatic. Because of their size and shape, they could also be called coconut strips. They are made in Sri Lanka from freshly harvested coconuts and dried at low temperatures to preserve flavor and nutrients. SamaraNatura Coconut Chips are unroasted and free from colourings, flavorings and preservatives. Use A healthy snack for at home and on the go, when travelling, in nature and after exercise. Enjoy coconut chips to refine mueslis or desserts, for baking and for Asian cuisine. Tip: Try coconut chips together with pineapple. Nutritional values ​​coconut chips per 100g Energy value 2805kJ/670kcalFat 65gof which saturated fat 57gCarbohydrates 7gof which sugar 7gDietary fiber 16gProtein 7gSalt <0.1g.  

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 4.76* / 100 Gramm)

Variants from CHF 11.31*
CHF 11.90*

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Inca Berries (Physalis) Organic
Inca Berries – Sweet and sour Superfruits Inca berries (Physalis peruviana), also called Andean or Cape gooseberries, grow wild on the mineral-rich soils of the Peruvian Andes and have been enjoyed in South American cultures for thousands of years. An ancient food and one of the last cultivated products of the Incas, which has been rediscovered worldwide for several years. The delicious, sweet and sour berries grow in protective paper-like wrappers that look like small Chinese lanterns. Why we love Inca Berries Inca berries have an exquisite, exotic, sweet and sour taste that is second to none. A delicious snack. Connoisseurs like to enjoy them with chocolate products and wine. The Inca berry is also known as the "Goji berry of South America". The small, chewable kernels of the Andean berries have a slight laxative effect. SamaraNatura Organic Inca Berries SamaraNatura Inca berries are raw food quality and are grown without pesticides or agrochemicals. Our Inca berries are soft and relatively sweet, not as sour as you usually find them. Harvesting and drying these precious little berries is very time-consuming work, hence the relatively high price. In fact, it takes a person a full day to clean just 10 kg of fresh fruit. The berries are placed in sun dryers and removed again when they have reached the perfect level of moisture and are still a little soft. You need about 3 kg of fresh fruit for 500g of dried berries. Use Excellent as a snack on its own. Their exquisite, exotic taste goes perfectly with chocolate and wine. Inca berries enrich many desserts, smoothies, mueslis, baked goods, trail mix and jams. The unmistakable balance of sweet and sour taste also goes well with chia pudding and Lucuma. Nutritional values Inca berries (Physalis) per 100g Energy value 1276kJ / 304kcalFat 5.6gof which saturated fatty acids 0.5gCarbohydrates 49.0gof which sugar 34.4gProtein 6.6gSalt <0.1g

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 6.36* / 100 Gramm)

Variants from CHF 15.11*
CHF 15.90*

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Cashew nuts hand-cracked
Hand-cracked cashew nuts from Bali Update from March 17th, 2022: After our cashew supplier from Togo had not been able to supply us with cashew nuts for more than a year for unknown reasons, we looked for a new partner. We found what we were looking for in Bali (Indonesia), with a social producer who also produces unsteamed, hand-cracked cashew nuts. The sale starts on 03/23/2022. SamaraNatura cashew nuts Our cashew nuts come from Bali and Flores. They are processed and distributed by the social enterprise Muntigunung in Muntigunung, which is located in the arid and impoverished north-east of Bali. In contrast to commercial cashews, our cashew nuts are neither steamed nor roasted. They are cracked by hand using special tools. In order not to injure themselves, the workers wear special protective clothing. The use of machinery is deliberately avoided in order to preserve the greatest possible amount of nutrients and to maximize employment opportunities in the community. After cracking, the cashews are dried for several days in an energy-saving solar dryer and the reddish skin layer is then removed by hand. The temperature in the solar dryer is 47°C to achieve a moisture content of <5%. The result is cashew nuts of the highest quality, incredibly tasty and crunchy. Cashew nuts are packed with antioxidants, proteins and phytochemicals. They are among the healthiest nuts, are cholesterol-free and rich in iron, phosphorus, selenium, zinc and the minerals copper and magnesium. The cashew nuts are available in 2 sizes: 250g and 1kg. The cashew nuts are grown without pesticides. However, they are not organic certified. Why we love cashew nuts Our raw cashew nuts have a delicious, creamy taste and are rich in protein. Use As a snack on its own or mixed with trail mix, goji berries and / or cocoa chips. Sprinkle cashews on salads or use them for mayonnaise, cream or milk. Cashews add a little elegance and sophistication to your kitchen. Nutrition information per 100g Energy 634kcal/2653kJFat 49.7gof which saturated fat 13.8gCarbohydrates 27.6gof which sugars 8.1gProtein 19.1gSalt <0.1g

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 2.60* / 100 Gramm)

Variants from CHF 4.75*
CHF 6.50* CHF 13.00* (50% saved)

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Cedarnuts Organic
Organic cedar nuts from Siberia - a true treasure of nature Update: The new batch has arrived. This is now certified organic again. 250g and 500g bags are now available again. For centuries, the inhabitants of Siberia have valued the widespread cedar (Pinus sibirica), a stone pine, not only as a source of valuable wood, but also for the tasty and extremely nutritious seeds that are stuck in the cedar cones. Cedar nuts contain about 55% valuable unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid as well as the rare pinoleic/pinolenic acid. They are rich in tocopherols (vitamin E) as antioxidants and high-quality proteins (approx. 17%). They also contain many minerals (especially magnesium, potassium, phosphorus), trace elements (copper, manganese, zinc), vitamins (K and B) and flavonoids. Cedar nuts taste similar to other pine nuts, but a little sweeter and stronger. Unlike almost all commercially available pine nuts, our raw cedar nuts are not heat treated. Why are cedar nuts so valuable The Siberian pine is a true treasure of Siberian nature, forming vast areas of pristine forests throughout northern Russia. The huge, magnificent trees (up to 40 m tall) grow slowly and the first seed cones do not appear until the trees are about 30 years old. They are among the longest-lived tree species there are, as they can live 300 to 800 years! The evergreen cedar is a storage place of cosmic light energy, in its millions of needles it catches the energy rays from the cosmic space during its long lifetime. Thousands of years ago, ancient peoples valued the properties of the cedar tree, which they called "the eternal". The twigs were used to prepare a vitamin drink, the resin to heal wounds and ulcers, and the seeds and their oil helped weather the long, harsh Siberian winters. Cedar nuts and their oil are also very good for skin care and regeneration. SamaraNatura Organic Cedar Nuts Almost all commercially available pine nuts are heat treated to make them last longer. Our cedar nuts, on the other hand, are completely untreated, which means that the wide range of nutrients is preserved. They come from the Lake Baikal region in Siberia and are harvested by hand. Use Cedar nuts taste delicious on their own as a snack or together with dried fruit and other nuts, with goji berries and cocoa nibs. They can be sprinkled over salads and other dishes, or made into mayonnaise, creams and milk. Cedar nuts add a certain elegance to your kitchen. We recommend keeping the cedar nuts in the fridge after opening, especially in summer. Nutritional values ​​of organic cedar nuts per 100g energy value 2927kJ/699kcal,fat 62g,of which saturated fatty acids 4g,monounsaturated fatty acids 15g,polyunsaturated fatty acids 41g,carbohydrates 8g,of which sugar 6gprotein 19g,salt <0.1g, Magnesium 270mg (72%*),Vitamin E 9mg (75%*),Vitamin B1 0.6mg (57%*).*the recommended daily dose.

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 8.24* / 100 Gramm)

Variants from CHF 19.57*
CHF 20.60*
Sea Buckthorn Berries dried Organic
Organic dried sea buckthorn berries - unsweetened & from wild collection Why buy sea buckthorn berries? An analysis carried out by the retailer provided evidence of the sensational amounts of vital substances in sea buckthorn. The berries have a very high omega 7 fatty acid and B12 content. This high content is probably only contained in the Uzbek wild-collected organic sea buckthorn. Cultivated sea buckthorn usually has much lower levels and vitamin B12 in plant foods is very rare! Dried sea buckthorn contains mostly the same vital substances and nutrients as fresh sea buckthorn, only in a more concentrated form because the water has been removed. These wild sea buckthorn berries have an intense, spicy and very sour taste. They have a strong, intense light - to dark orange color. The pulp surrounds a core, which is also dried. This results in a crispy consistency. What makes our wild organic sea buckthorn berries special? When fully ripe, the wild sea buckthorn berries are picked by hand, washed and gently dried with the help of the sun. The drying process used is a very environmentally friendly solar drying method that is extremely gentle on the product. The organic sea buckthorn berries are:• unsulphured (according to EU organic regulation)• without artificial additives• without preservatives• without dyes Where do our organic sea buckthorn berries come from? Wild harvested organic sea buckthorn berries are very hard to come by. We could buy a batch with origin Ukraine. These wild sea buckthorn berries come from the Lemberg/Lviv region in western Ukraine, near the Polish border. They are packed in 125g bags. How to integrate into the daily diet? The dried organic sea buckthorn berries are suitable as a small, refreshing snack or as a varied ingredient in your power muesli. To round off the sour taste, you can combine the sea buckthorn with nuts and sweet dried fruits such as raisins. Or you can use a healthy sweetener like agave, yacon or apple syrup. Origin Wild collected and processed in Ukraine. Nutritional values of sea buckthorn berries per 100g Energy value 1116kJ/270kcalFat 21.5gof which saturated fatty acids 1.2gcarbohydrates 8.9gof which sugar 8.8gprotein 5.5 gSalt 0.037g All information is subject to the usual fluctuations in natural products. Storage: Store in a cool, dry and dark place.

Content: 125 Gramm (CHF 13.68* / 100 Gramm)

From CHF 17.10*