Flohsamenschalen Bio

Quantity Unit price Base price
To 2
CHF 14.00*
CHF 5.60* / 100 Gramm
From 3
CHF 13.30*
CHF 5.32* / 100 Gramm

Available, delivery time: 1-4 days

Product number: 163.112

Flohsamenschalen (Bio) aus Indien | Vegan & glutenfrei

Diese kleinen, aber kraftvollen Samenschalen sind reich an Ballaststoffen, Vitaminen und Mineralien und können auf vielfältige Weise deine Gesundheit und Ernährung bereichern.

Was sind Flohsamenschalen und woher stammen sie?

Flohsamen sind die Samenschalen der Pflanze Plantago ovata, welche mehrheitlich in Indien und Pakistan angepflanzt wird.

Warum Flohsamenschalen konsumieren?

Die in den Flohsamenschalen enthaltenen Ballaststoffe (Flosine-Schleimpolysaccharide) können mehr als das 50-fache an Wasser binden. Im Darm führt dies zu einer Volumenzunahme des Stuhls, was wiederum die Peristaltik (Darmbewegung) anregt. Zudem machen die Schleimstoffe den Stuhl gleitfähiger.

  • Unterstützung der Verdauung: Die hohe Konzentration an löslichen Ballaststoffen in den Flohsamenschalen fördert eine gesunde Verdauung. Die Schalen nehmen in Verbindung mit Flüssigkeit an Volumen zu.
  • Sättigungsgefühl und Gewichtsmanagement: Die Schalen quellen im Magen auf und vermitteln ein langanhaltendes Sättigungsgefühl, was die Kontrolle des Appetits erleichtern kann.
  • Regulierung des Blutzuckerspiegels: Die Ballaststoffe in den Flohsamenschalen können dazu beitragen, den Anstieg des Blutzuckerspiegels nach dem Essen zu verlangsamen.
  • Cholesterinspiegel-Senkung: Durch die Bindung von Gallensäuren können Flohsamenschalen den Cholesterinspiegel senken.

Was macht unsere Flohsamenschalen besonders?

Unsere Bio Flohsamenschalen sind in Rohkostqualität und haben den höchstmöglichen Reinheitsgrad von 99%, d.h. es können maximal 1% ganze Flohsamen enthalten sein. Die Flohsamenschalen sind geschmacksneutral.

Wie können Flohsamenschalen in die tägliche Ernährung integriert werden?

  • Ballaststoffreiche Smoothies: Gib einen Esslöffel Flohsamenschalen in deinen Lieblings-Smoothie und verleihe ihm eine Extraportion Ballaststoffe.
  • Bindemittel in Backwaren & für Suppen, Saucen und Cremen: Bsp: Ersetze Eier in Backrezepten durch eine Mischung aus Wasser und Flohsamenschalen, um deine Backwaren vegan und ballaststoffreich zu machen.
  • Joghurt und Müesli: Rühre die Samenschalen in Joghurt oder Müsli ein, um den Nährwert deiner Mahlzeit zu erhöhen.

Verwendung und Dosierung von Flohsamenschalen

Bis zu 3x täglich 1-2 Teelöffel, maximal 20g pro Tag.

Eine typische Dosierung liegt bei 1 bis 2 Esslöffeln pro Tag. Beginne mit einer geringeren Menge und erhöhe sie allmählich, um festzustellen, wie dein Körper darauf reagiert.

Für eine optimale Wirkung, die Flohsamen 30 bis 60 Minuten vor der Mahlzeit oder zwei Stunden danach einnehmen.

Wichtig: Nach der Einnahme rasch 2 Gläser Wasser trinken.

Nährwerte Flohsamenschalen pro 100g

Energiewert 787 kJ/188 kcal
Fett 0.2g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren <0.1g
Kohlenhydrate 2.2g
davon Zucker <0.1g
Ballaststoffe 89.8g
davon löslich 55.15g
Eiweiss 0.8g
Salz <0.1g

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28 April 2021 07:31

Rohkost pur

Etwas mit warmen Wasser aufweichen, damit es nicht so kratzt im Hals. Wunderbar.

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Ceylon Cinnamon powder Organic
Weight : 250g
Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Powder - Premiumquality that you taste  This first-class cinnamon powder from Sri Lanka, the original home of the cinnamon tree, is fine and pure, with a particularly intensive fragrance and taste from genuine Ceylon cinnamon. It is, without a doubt, the tastiest and freshest cinnamon powder we have ever tried. Genuine cinnamon has been used by man since at least 3000 BC and has been growing naturally in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India and Burma. Ceylon cinnamon was introduced to the European market by the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama in 1502, which he brought from Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Nowadays it is more common to find in the market the Cassia cinnamon variety, which comes from China, rather than the more aromatic genuine cinnamon. The aroma of the cinnamon tree comes primarily from cinnamon oil as well as further aromas such as eugenol, which also occurs in cloves, and coumarin. The genuine cinnamon is not only used for seasoning, but also has a long traditional use as medicine that is now scientifically documented (*1). For example, it is now known that cinnamon stimulates the appetite, promotes digestion and is also useful for bacterial and fungal infections, inflammation and for the regulation of the blood sugar. Cinnamon contains a very high antioxidant capacity of 131'420 μmol TE / 100g (ORAC value = Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity). It is with regret that we are unable to share with you more information about this product. Various Swiss legislation prevents us (and all other food business operators) from claiming that these products can offer any possible health benefits. We recommend you do your own research on the Internet about this product, - this is an example of a useful website Zentrum der Gesundheit  (german). Why we love organic ceylon cinnamon powder We are in love with this cinnamon powder - the unique and particularly aromatic cinnamon fragrance and taste, bring the warm childhood memories of the heavenly cinnamon sugar. Coconut sugar with cinnamon surpasses even the taste experience and is also a healthy alternative to white sugar! Apple sauce with cinnamon is another childhood classic. Recently we have been using cinnamon more regularly, espeically in our evening turmeric drink (Facebook/Blog-Link) as well as in chocolate drinks, and curry dishes and teas. The healing properties of cinnamon are a very welcome "side effect”.   Pearls of Samarkand Cinnamon Powder The harvesting and drying process of the cinnamon is done very quickly, creating the optimal conditions to achieve the particularly intense and fresh fragrance and taste of this 100% pure Ceylon cinnamon. Our cinnamon comes from organic farming, from two local fair trade organizations with 2,500 participating farmers. Thanks to the collaboration with Fairtrade, the farmers have their livelihood secured and earn their independence. With the Fairtrade projects such as clean drinking water, school materials for the children and education projects can be paid for. Organic cultivation and fair trade relations have a very decisive impact on the quality of the product. Many work steps are carried out traditionally and exclusively by hand. ✓Controlled organic cultivation  ✓Raw food quality  ✓Vegan ✓Fairtrade  ✓Premium Quality and very aromatic  ✓100% pure nature  ✓Without preservatives or other additives Usage of cinnamon powder In smoothies, desserts, chocolate drinks, coffee, curry dishes, spice teas, nut milks and fruit juices. Nutritional values  Average Nutritional values Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Powder pro 100g  Energy value   1137kJ/272kcal  Fats  3.2g    of which fatty acids  0.9g  Carbohydrates  56g    of which sugars  33g  Proteines  3.9g  Fibers  6.1g All values are subject to the usual fluctuations in natural products. Storage Store in a cool, dry and dark place. References *1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3854496/

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 6.65* / 100 Gramm)

From CHF 16.63*
Camu Camu powder organic
Camu camu powder with 15% vitamin C content The camu camu fruit has the highest documented natural vitamin C content of any food on earth. Compared to oranges, camu camu provides 30-60 times more vitamin C, 10 times more iron, 3 times more niacin, twice as much riboflavin and 50% more phosphorus! Camu camu contains 2-3g of vitamin C per 100g of fresh fruit and around 10-12g per 100g of dried powder. That doesn't seem like much compared to synthetic vitamin C supplements, but the vitamin C in camu camu is a naturally occurring, highly bioavailable form and works synergistically in the body for maximum benefit. Why Consume Camu Camu Powder? We have found camu camu to energize and uplift and improve mood. It helps us stay active and in a good mood throughout the day. A pretty amazing effect for such a small berry. We all know about the great health value of vitamin C, and since there is camu camu, we can dispense with artificial, synthetic forms entirely. For people like us, who are always on the lookout for what nature has to offer, this is a blessing. The berry is 100% natural and a powerful, highly concentrated food. Due to its natural origin and in combination with other vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids and amino acids, the vitamin C contained in camu camu is fully absorbed by the body, which is not the case with synthetic vitamin C. What makes our camu camu powder special? SamaraNatura Camu Camu (scientific name: Myrciaria dubia) grows wild in the Peruvian Amazon. The berries are harvested directly into boats equipped with freezing systems. The boats travel the waterways of the Amazon where the fruit is picked at full maturity and flash frozen. At a processing plant, the fruit is then thawed, peeled, liquefied and spray dried. The resulting powder is pale pink to yellow-brown and has powerful ingredients. We receive our camu camu in the form of a pure, unadulterated powder with an orange-light brown colour. It takes about 15kg of berries to make 1kg of powder, which contains 10-12% vitamin C by weight. Therefore, it takes very little to stock up on an effective dose of antioxidants. Camu camu powder: Often different vitamin C content We would like to point out that the vitamin C content of camu camu powder varies greatly. For example, there is also camu camu with only 5-6% vitamin C. When comparing, pay attention to the vitamin C content, because the lower the product, the cheaper it should be. Influence on sustainable development of the Amazon basin We also like that the growing popularity of Camu Camu is contributing to the sustainable development of the Amazon Basin and helping locals maintain their traditional lifestyle. How to use camu camu powder? Like other superfoods, camu camu is very easy to use. Simply mix the powder into your smoothie in the morning or an afternoon pick-me-up drink. Camu camu has a fairly acidic taste, although it does not have an acidifying effect on the body and is easier on the stomach than synthetic ascorbic acid. It therefore tastes best when mixed with other ingredients. Add about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon (2-3 g) to juices, smoothies, ice cream, raw desserts, or simply to your drinking water. It's a great way to balance out the sweetness in fruit smoothies and desserts. Tip: Camunade is a refreshing drink that gives you a good vitamin C boost. Simply sprinkle a teaspoon of camu camu into a glass of cold water (sparkling or still), add a squeeze of lime juice and some sweetener (e.g. agave or yacon syrup) and shake briefly. You can increase the daily amount if necessary (spread the intake over the day), but diarrhea symptoms indicate that you are taking too much camu camu. Nutritional values ​​Bio Camu Camu per daily portion (3g) energy value 11 kcal/46 kJ,fat 0.03g,carbohydrates 2.5g,of which sugar 0g,dietary fiber 0.2g,protein 0.16g,330mg vitamin C (314%*) All information is subject to the usual fluctuations in natural products.*the recommended daily dose of approx. 105g according to the DACH reference value. The DACH reference values for nutrient intake are published jointly by the German, Austrian and Swiss societies for nutrition. The abbreviation DACH is derived from the usual country codes for Germany (D), Austria (A) and Switzerland (CH).

Variants from CHF 31.26*
CHF 32.90*
Acai Powder Organic
Açai powder: Natural energy from the Amazon Why Consume Açai Powder? The nutrients found in Açai are a wonderful blend of antioxidants, omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, vitamins and proteins. Açai is also very popular with athletes because the berry contains 19 amino acids that stimulate muscle activity, give strength and long-lasting energy. A diet high in antioxidants helps protect and slow the aging process. In Brazil, açai has been a popular fruit for many years, used as fruit puree, in drinks, ice cream and smoothies. The natives of the rainforest have been consuming Açai for thousands of years. What makes our Açai powder special? Our Açai powder from Brazil is 100% natural with no fillers or chemicals. Due to the high fat content of the berries, long transport routes are impossible without a process to increase the shelf life of the fruit. Therefore, the berries are freeze-dried shortly after harvest and then gently ground at low temperatures to a fine powder. The ingredients are preserved as far as possible. Many of the açai powders available on the market are not pure, meaning they are mixed with fillers that reduce its nutritional value. The stronger the purple color of the powder, the more concentrated and pure it is. The shade is therefore a good indicator of the quality of the product. Our açai powder is made from 100% açai berries, with no fillers and is dark purple in colour. How does our Açai powder taste? Açai powder tastes delicious: a delicious, unusual taste! The excellent combination of omega fatty acids and the sustained energy it provides makes açai powder indispensable for us. Where is Açai powder made? Açai is a beautiful deep purple colored berry that grows on tall palm trees along the Amazon River in the Brazilian rainforest. A true gift from Mother Nature! The dark purple color comes from special pigments called anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants. Usage Tips This miracle berry can be wonderfully integrated into the daily diet. Açai powder goes well with desserts, many drinks, smoothies, yogurt and sprinkled on muesli. It tastes really good in homemade chocolate and ice cream. Nutritional values ​​of açai per 100g Energy value 2236kJ/534kcalProtein 8.6gcarbohydrates 8.5gof which sugar 1gFat 45gof which saturated fatty acids 11gdietary fiber 33gAll information is subject to the usual fluctuations in natural products.

Variants from CHF 27.27*
CHF 28.70*
Baobab powder organic
Baobab – the African super fruit Why Baobab Powder? Baobab has a slightly citrusy, fruity, refreshing taste and is rich in vitamin C and the minerals calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium. Due to its favorable calcium-phosphorus ratio in combination with vitamin C, the bioavailability of calcium and iron is particularly good. Baobab is great for vegans because it's high in calcium - twice as much as milk. Effect of baobab powder? The baobab fruit has approx. 50% dietary fiber - half the particularly valuable soluble dietary fiber - and thus supports the intestinal functions and a favorable, regular digestion. Baobab also contains numerous phytonutrients that, as powerful antioxidants, help to protect cells and vessels from free radicals. What makes our baobab powder special? Our baobab powder is 100% pure, raw and chemical free. The pod contains the seeds and the naturally dried pulp. The natural fruit powder is separated from the seeds and fibers in a mechanical process. Origin of our babobab powder This superfruit is native to Africa. By spreading to the western world, distribution helps African communities reduce poverty while preserving nature. So baobab is good for us, good for Africans and good for the environment. The African baobab tree (Adansonia digitata) or baobab tree (from Arabic bu-hubub) is a characteristic part of the African savannah. It's also jokingly called the "inverted tree" because it looks like its roots reach up into the sky in a ghostly silhouette. Africans have valued this tree and its fruit for a long time and have given it various names such as tree of life and magic tree. Its thick trunk can store up to 300 liters of water, enabling the tree to survive long periods of drought. The nutritious fruit powder forms naturally in the ripe fruit pod, which also contains the seeds. Tips for use in everyday life We like the taste and use it pure with water and a little sweetener - a real treat. It can be used wonderfully as an ingredient in all cocoa and dessert creations and gives them a delicious, slightly sweet and sour note. Due to its high pectin content (approx. 25%), baobab powder is particularly suitable for recipes where binding or thickening properties are required. In addition, baobab is a natural flavor enhancer and gives every dish, whether sweet or savory, a special touch. Baobab also goes well with muesli, in yoghurt, nut milk and as an ingredient in baked goods and desserts (with cocoa). If you like it sweeter, just add a teaspoon of agave syrup. Recipe with baobab powder Try a refreshing vitality drink: mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of baobab powder with water and lemon or add it to juice or your favorite smoothie. Nutritional information Baobab powder per 100g Energy 901 KJ / 218kcal Fat 0.3g of which saturated fatty acids 0.1g Carbohydrate 25.3g of which Sugar 19.1g Dietary fibers 52.4g Protein 2.4g Salt 0.0g Vitamin C  280mg (350%*) Calzium  293mg (36%*) Iron  6mg (43%*) Magnesium  148mg (39%*) *of the recommended daily dose.All information is subject to the usual fluctuations in natural products.

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 8.44* / 100 Gramm)

Variants from CHF 20.05*
CHF 21.10*
Yellow Maca powder Organic
Maca - Ancient Superfood from the Andes The root vegetable has been a staple food of the indigenous peoples of the Andes for thousands of years and is an excellent source of energy and stamina.Its content of bioavailable protein is about 11% in the dried root.For legal reasons (Swiss Food Ordinance), as a food retailer we are not allowed to make any statements about possible effects. Do your own research on Maca on the Internet. Among others, we find the site of Dr. Schweikart very informative. The different varieties are also described there. Currently, our assortment includes, in addition to the yellow Maca described here, also the red and black Maca, of course also in organic and raw food quality. In addition, we carry Bio Maca Max, a more digestible variety, in which the starch contained in the Maca powder is converted by heating, so that it is easier to digest and absorb. Why we love Maca Maca increases our energy levels. Maca makes us feel full of energy, grounded and cheerful.Plus, Maca has a pleasant, malty flavor and can be used in many different ways. SamaraNatura Maca Powder yellow Our pure, yellow, Maca powder is made from 100% natural Maca roots from controlled organic cultivation, produced under strict production standards and quality controls. They all come from altitudes above 4000 meters above sea level in the Junín region of Peru.Our suppliers work together with small farmers. In doing so, they create jobs for the regional population and advise the small entrepreneurs by providing training and financial support. This is a means of raising the standard of living of small farmers while increasing their crop yields. How to use Maca Powder Maca has a unique flavor and can be added to many different dishes. Some people find the taste of maca powder somewhat reminiscent of caramel with an upbeat note. Maca powder can be stirred into rice, nut or hemp milk, for example, or simply mixed into muesli. Mix Maca powder with water, milk of your choice or add it to juice, smoothie, muesli or raw desserts. Maca is also a good binder for soups and therefore a delicious addition to them. We especially like maca with oatmeal and as an ingredient in our raw chocolate recipes.It is advisable to start with a small amount of ½ tsp per day and increase up to 1-2 tbsp per day. Unlike soy products, Mexican yam and flaxseed, maca does not contain hormones.Note: A common misconception about superfoods and herbs is that there is a standard usage amount. In general, the usual recommended daily intake for most superfoods, like maca, is between 1 tsp and 3 tbsp per day, divided into two or three doses. It is best to start with 1 tsp per day and adjust the amount to your personal needs. Nutritional values Maca powder yellow per 100g Energy value 1380kJ/327kcalFat 2gCarbohydrates 61g,of which sugar/dont sucres 32gDietary fiber 18gProtein 12g.All data are subject to the usual variations in natural products.

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 7.20* / 100 Gramm)

Variants from CHF 17.10*
CHF 18.00*
Turmeric powder Organic
Turmeric powder - the Ayurveda super spice Turmeric contains essential oils, the yellow dye curcumin, enzymes and gives the curry its typical light yellow color. In our latitudes, it is now widely known as spice. But turmeric is much more; One of the most important medicinal plants. Since we as merchants can not make any health promises, we refer to various reports on the Internet. The turmeric content of the powder is approx. 6%. However, in order to achieve a noticeable effect, 3 to 5 grams (approximately one teaspoon) should be taken daily. A versatile use in the kitchen is therefore required. Pearls of Samarkand Organic Turmeric Powder High quality and very aromatic 100% pure nature Without preservatives or other additives raw food Vegan The turmeric powder comes from 1400 small farmers and is produced in the cooperative MASS in India. Use Turmeric powder The Turmeric powder is not only suitable for seasoning many oriental dishes such as Moroccan vegetable dish or Indian curry. Rather, it should be installed daily in the beverage and diet plan. Application possibilities are smoothies, soups, quiche, lasagna, casserole, spaetzle, pancakes, sauces, spread, dips. Many recipes can be found on the Internet, e.g. at www.chefkoch.de. Have you ever tasted a sweet and savory curcuma? This warms the body from inside, protects it and is quickly prepared. Ingredients: 2dl cow or plant milk 1/2 TL turmeric powder (frequent users can also take 1 TL) 1/2 teaspoon ginger grated 1 teaspoon coconut oil 1 tbsp Agave or Yacon Dicks 1 pinch of pepper 1 pinch of cinnamon Heat all the ingredients in a small frying pan and leave for 10 minutes. Average nutritional value of turmeric powder per 4g: Energiewert 60kJ / 14kcalFat 0.4gOf which saturated fatty acids 0.12gCarbohydrates 2.3gOf which sugar 2.3 gProtein 0.3gsalt 3.6mg

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 5.32* / 100 Gramm)

From CHF 13.30*
Red Maca powder Organic
Maca – Ancient Superfood of the Andes  Our red maca powder meets the highest quality requirements: ✓ from organic farming ✓ Raw food quality due to a special air drying process with the help of the sun ✓ 100% pure red maca roots ✓ Cultivation at altitudes over 4000 meters above sea level in the Junín region in Peru ✓ Concentration 4:1, meens 4kg Maca bulbs make 1kg Maca powder Maca is a hearty root vegetable grown in the high Andes of Peru. Cultivated since pre-Incan times, it has been a dietary staple for the indigenous peoples of the Andes for thousands of years as a source of energy and endurance. Maca is rich in minerals and vitamins and contains almost 60 Phytonutrients, which are nutrients derived from plant material that have been shown to be beneficial for sustaining human life. Maca is high in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, iron, zinc, iodine, copper, and selenium. The root also contains much vitamin B1, B2, C and E. Its bio-available protein content is about 11% in a dry root. Maca is considered an adaptogen, which means that it has an balancing effect on the various body systems, especially the endoctrine system. Traditionally it has also been used as an aphrodisiac, to increase fertility and during menopause. Maca helps the body to adapt to high levels of stress by providing energy wherever it is needed without over-stimulating the body. Why we love Maca The maca plant is one of the most powerful plants on earth! We love it because it raises energy levels, combats mental and physical fatigue and stress. It makes us feel strong, energized, grounded, happy and prepared to face any challenge. Its energy is instant yet long lasting, and we feel active and vibrant all day long, without over-stimulating our bodies. Beside all that maca powder has a pleasant malty taste and can be used in many different ways. SamaraNatura Maca SamaraNatura Maca Powder is a 100% pure and natural, grown without use of pesticides and agrochemicals, manufactured under strict production standards and high quality controls. Our powder is made with selected dry roots, and following unique production methods, with no heat or radiation applied at any stage within the production process. Our maca distributors work in association with small farmers, thus generating employment for the local population, and advise them in their organization as small entrepreneurs by providing training and financial support. This is one means of raising the living standards of small farmers, while at the same time increasing their crop yield. How to use Maca has a unique flavour and can be added to many different dishes. Mix maca powder with water, milk of your choice or put it into your juice, smoothie, muesli or raw desserts. Maca is also a good thickener for soups and therefore a delicious addition to it. We love to use it with raw oats and in all our raw chocolate recipes. Maca is a powerful superfood and can have a strong rebalancing and detoxifying effect, especially if you’re body is not in perfect health. It is wiser to start with a small dosage of ½ tsp. a day and build up to 1-2 tbsp. a day. Once the first phase of detox and rebalancing has passed, you can increase the dosage to up to 3 tbsp. a day, especially during times of stress. Unlike soya products, Mexican wild yams and flaxseeds, Maca does not contain hormones itself, so there is no danger in overdoing it. Note: A common misconception about superfoods and herbs is that there is a standard dosage. We believe that the proper measure is in relation to size, sensitivity, age, gender and many other factors that make each human being unique. In general though, a typical daily-suggested intake for most superfoods could be anywhere from 1 tsp. to 3 tbsp. daily, split into two or three doses. Best is to start at 1 tsp. per day and regulating your own dosage according to your personal needs. Nutritional values organic red maca powder per 100g Energy value 1392kJ / 334kcalFat 1.0g- of which saturated 0.0gCarbohydrates 69g- of which sugars 31gFiber 9gProtein 12gSalt 0.125g    

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 7.60* / 100 Gramm)

Variants from CHF 18.05*
CHF 19.00*
Black Maca powder Organic
BLACK MACA POWDER – Superfood of the Andes Update: The popular, black maca powder is again available in all sizes: 250g, 500g and 1kg. Our black maca powder meets the highest quality requirements: ✓ from organic farming ✓ Raw food quality due to a special air drying process with the help of the sun ✓ 100% pure black maca roots ✓ Cultivation at altitudes over 4000 meters above sea level in the Junín region in Peru ✓ Concentration 4:1, i.e. 4kg Maca tubers result in 1kg Maca powder HISTORY AND TRADITIONAL USE Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is a hearty root vegetable grown in the high Andes of Peru. Cultivated since pre-Incan times, it has been a dietary staple for the indigenous peoples of the Andes for thousands of years as a source of energy and endurance.In our modern world, the Maca root is still consumed up to 3 times a day by Peruvians as well as other people from all around the world. It is used by professional athletes all the way to the elderly in order to provide them with additional energy and stamina.It is with regret that we are unable to share with you more information about this product. Various Swiss legislation prevents us (and all other food business operators) from claiming that these products can offer any possible health benefits. We recommend you do your own research on the Internet about this product, - this is an example of a useful website Zentrum der Gesundheit (german). Nutritional Profile The synergy of Maca nutrients (naturally provided in the right proportion), assist the body to recover from different problems, overall providing balance and well being. Its action focuses mainly in the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, assisting the body in the production of hormones, thus providing hormonal balance and all the benefits derived from it. It is an excellent strength and stamina enhancer as well as a libido-boosting superfood. Helps to rebuild weak immune systems, re-mineralize poorly nourished bodies, as well as increase energy and endurance.Maca is rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, iron, zinc, iodine, copper, selenium and others. It is also rich in vitamins B1, B2, C and E. Maca is rich in bio-available protein with an average of 11% per gram in a dry root.It has a higher concentration of calcium than milk which is essential for the nerves and circulatory system and the formation of bones, teeth, and vital heart functions. WHY WE LOVE MACA Maca plant is one of the most powerful plants on earth. We love it because it raises energy levels, combats mental and physical fatigue and stress. It makes us feel strong, energized, grounded, happy and prepared to face any challenge. Its energy is instant yet long lasting, and we feel active and vibrant all day long, without over stimulating our bodies. Beside all that, Maca has a pleasant malty taste and can be used in many different ways. SamaraNatura BLACK MACA POWDER Our Black Maca is made from 100% black coloured Maca roots. These roots are the rarest of all Maca colours, making up around 15% of the annual harvest. Studies have shown Black Maca to be the most effective Maca colour for muscle building, endurance, mental focus and male libido and fertility. SamaraNatura Maca Powder is a 100% pure and natural certified organic maca roots, manufactured under strict production standards and high quality controls. Our powder is made with selected dry roots, and following unique production methods, with no heat or radiation applied at any stage within the production process. Our Maca distributors work in association with small farmers, thus generating employment for the local population, and advise them in their organization as small entrepreneurs by providing training and financial support. This is one means of raising the living standards of small farmers, while at the same time increasing their crop yield. HOW TO USE IT/RECOMMENDED DOSAGE Maca has a unique nutty flavor and can be added to many different dishes. Mix the Maca powder with water, milk of your choice or put it into your juice, smoothie, raw muesli, or raw desserts. Maca is also a good thickener for soups and therefore a delicious addition to it. We love to use it with raw oats and in all our raw chocolate recipes. Start with a small amount of ½ tsp. per day and increase up to 1-2 tbsp per day. Nutritional values ​​organic maca powder black per 100g Energy value 1392kJ / 334kcal,Fat 1g,of which saturated fatty acids 0g,Carbohydrates 69g,of which sugar 31g,Fiber 9g,Protein 12g,Salt 0.125g.  

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 8.00* / 100 Gramm)

Variants from CHF 19.00*
CHF 20.00*
Ceylon Cinnamon powder Organic
Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Powder - Premiumquality that you taste  This first-class cinnamon powder from Sri Lanka, the original home of the cinnamon tree, is fine and pure, with a particularly intensive fragrance and taste from genuine Ceylon cinnamon. It is, without a doubt, the tastiest and freshest cinnamon powder we have ever tried. Genuine cinnamon has been used by man since at least 3000 BC and has been growing naturally in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India and Burma. Ceylon cinnamon was introduced to the European market by the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama in 1502, which he brought from Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Nowadays it is more common to find in the market the Cassia cinnamon variety, which comes from China, rather than the more aromatic genuine cinnamon. The aroma of the cinnamon tree comes primarily from cinnamon oil as well as further aromas such as eugenol, which also occurs in cloves, and coumarin. The genuine cinnamon is not only used for seasoning, but also has a long traditional use as medicine that is now scientifically documented (*1). For example, it is now known that cinnamon stimulates the appetite, promotes digestion and is also useful for bacterial and fungal infections, inflammation and for the regulation of the blood sugar. Cinnamon contains a very high antioxidant capacity of 131'420 μmol TE / 100g (ORAC value = Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity). It is with regret that we are unable to share with you more information about this product. Various Swiss legislation prevents us (and all other food business operators) from claiming that these products can offer any possible health benefits. We recommend you do your own research on the Internet about this product, - this is an example of a useful website Zentrum der Gesundheit  (german). Why we love organic ceylon cinnamon powder We are in love with this cinnamon powder - the unique and particularly aromatic cinnamon fragrance and taste, bring the warm childhood memories of the heavenly cinnamon sugar. Coconut sugar with cinnamon surpasses even the taste experience and is also a healthy alternative to white sugar! Apple sauce with cinnamon is another childhood classic. Recently we have been using cinnamon more regularly, espeically in our evening turmeric drink (Facebook/Blog-Link) as well as in chocolate drinks, and curry dishes and teas. The healing properties of cinnamon are a very welcome "side effect”.   Pearls of Samarkand Cinnamon Powder The harvesting and drying process of the cinnamon is done very quickly, creating the optimal conditions to achieve the particularly intense and fresh fragrance and taste of this 100% pure Ceylon cinnamon. Our cinnamon comes from organic farming, from two local fair trade organizations with 2,500 participating farmers. Thanks to the collaboration with Fairtrade, the farmers have their livelihood secured and earn their independence. With the Fairtrade projects such as clean drinking water, school materials for the children and education projects can be paid for. Organic cultivation and fair trade relations have a very decisive impact on the quality of the product. Many work steps are carried out traditionally and exclusively by hand. ✓Controlled organic cultivation  ✓Raw food quality  ✓Vegan ✓Fairtrade  ✓Premium Quality and very aromatic  ✓100% pure nature  ✓Without preservatives or other additives Usage of cinnamon powder In smoothies, desserts, chocolate drinks, coffee, curry dishes, spice teas, nut milks and fruit juices. Nutritional values  Average Nutritional values Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Powder pro 100g  Energy value   1137kJ/272kcal  Fats  3.2g    of which fatty acids  0.9g  Carbohydrates  56g    of which sugars  33g  Proteines  3.9g  Fibers  6.1g All values are subject to the usual fluctuations in natural products. Storage Store in a cool, dry and dark place. References *1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3854496/

Content: 250 Gramm (CHF 7.00* / 100 Gramm)

Variants from CHF 16.63*
CHF 17.50*
Chaga powder organic
Chaga powder from Estonia Update: Chaga powder from Estonia is currently not available. To bridge the gap, we bought and packaged a batch of organic Chaga powder from China. This is also of very good quality and very finely ground. Taste, consistency and color are practically identical. Due to the short best before date (August 31, 2024), we are currently offering a 20% discount. Our organic chaga mushrooms are collected from the wild in China, then gently dried and very finely ground. The Chaga powder is brown in color and has a characteristic earthy-woody taste. How do I use Chaga powder? In Russia and Lapland, chaga tea has been drunk as a tonic for centuries. Since we as retailers are not allowed to make any health claims, we recommend that you research the effects on the Internet. Recommended daily dose 3g. To prepare a cup of tea: Pour 1 teaspoon (2-3g) of Chaga powder with hot water (60° C) and let it steep for 15 minutes. Chaga powder can also be added to smoothies, porridge or muesli. Chaga is also an interesting alternative to coffee because it is caffeine-free. Chaga latte recipe Have you tried a chaga latte before?The recipe comes from Medical Medium Anthony William.Ingredients: 1 teaspoon chaga powder 3/4 cup hot water (60° C) 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder 1 teaspoon coconut blossom sugar 1/4 cup coconut milk Preparation: Pour hot water over the Chaga powder and let it steep for 15 minutes. Then mix together with the other ingredients in a mixer until foamy or stir together as a simple Varianet in a cup. When should you be careful with chaga? Diabetics should only use Chaga powder after consulting their doctor. Chaga can slow blood clotting. Chage should not be used when using blood thinning medication. In the event of medical treatment, pregnancy or uncertainty, ask a specialist about the use of this product. Keep out of reach of children. Nutritional values ​​chaga powder per daily portion 3g Energy value 44kJ / 10.5kcalFat 0.05gof which saturated fatty acids 0.01gCarbohydrates 1.64gof which sugar 0.01gDietary fiber 0.60gProtein 0.56gsalt 0.00g

Content: 125 Gramm (CHF 19.76* / 100 Gramm)

Variants from CHF 14.80*
From CHF 24.70*